A third of the world is covered by the howling maelstrom that was born a century ago. It is not ordinarily a place you'd find people surviving, but sometimes things appear in it. Strange things - otherworldly things - brought into the mist of a howling storm of cloudy dust and wind that blows in whichever direction it wants.
Pelape sleeps pretty late even though the curtain is very far from blackout. They were up so, so late. She walked so much.
Eefa's been keeping odd hours but isn't going to leave the room without her protector. She has a bit of stale bread stashed away under her clothes but that's all she has so she's not eating it right now.
Eventually Pelape yawns awake. Opens her eyes and looks at the room. Closes them and sighs very deeply. Opens her eyes again to check on Eefa. "You up?"
"Good call coming here, seems like a nice place so far probably. Did you have any plans for what to do if you made it this far or are we making it up from here out?"
Pelape cleans herself up with her power, reads the bathroom sign, visits the bathroom and comes back somewhat dismayed, and will then accompany Eefa wherever she wants to go.
There's food in Elysium; two meals a day come with the room. It's great by the standards of the locality. It might be the best restaurant on the planet. It would probably get seven stars of ten from a reasonably discerning critic in Lina but Pelape usually eats at places that would get three to five because they're cheaper, so quality-wise it's fine, exotic but fine. Lots of fresh vegetables. Strawberries. All slightly alien to Pelape.
They get to spot Saffron in the dining hall. Prosperously plump, button shirt worn open over a shirt that doubles as a bra, cutoff jean shorts, the best-armed person in the room. She swings by where Pelape and Eefa are eating. "New faces - I never forget one and yours are new. Names?"
"Saffron Fall. You got let in overnight, and they forgot to check you for weapons - anything to declare? You haven't got to hand it over unless I don't like your vibe but I need to know."
"I read the sign about the bathroom and I was told that if we did violence we would die. Are there more?"
...wow, she's just actually under no obligation to say "I'm a grey", is she. They don't seem to do that around here.
".......I have a telekinesis power that is pretty good at cleaning things and might also let me do other stuff I haven't figured out yet."