A third of the world is covered by the howling maelstrom that was born a century ago. It is not ordinarily a place you'd find people surviving, but sometimes things appear in it. Strange things - otherworldly things - brought into the mist of a howling storm of cloudy dust and wind that blows in whichever direction it wants.
No shards in Eefa! Though there is a shard on the floor that has a speck of blood on it, weirdly enough.
Could be jam, it's not like Pelape wants to sniff it. She TTKs all the debris into the appropriate receptacle.
"Oh, that's really cool. Can you get the blueberry jam into the mason jar without including any glass?"
"It's been on the floor, I can probably exclude the dirt but are you sure you want me to try it?"
"...If you'd rather not I suppose you don't have to but while I can afford more I don't exactly want to waste food?"
"...if you say so." She does her best with coaxing the jam and only the jam into the new jar.
"Well, I don't know what their plan was to get her through here without getting in trouble. We beat them to Elysium and Saffron threw out the one who tried to start something."
"Oh. We don't really have jurisdiction over Elysium. Saffron might intervene if there was a conflict with a person who was there against their will but might not do so proactively, I'm not sure."
"I'm hoping that eventually Kenton will have enough economic power to pressure other localities to ban slavery themselves."
"I think you have some pre-apocalyptic artifacts - like the lightbulbs, though maybe you're about to tell me that you've got lightbulb manufacture figured out actually? - do you have old books and stuff too or are you relying on things you were told by older people when you make that assertion?"
"The lightbulbs are pre-apocalypse, we can make our own but not as good. Written records are exceptionally rare but I've managed to acquire a few - the math textbook I mentioned before is one, a copy of the governing document of the pre-maelstrom country that this area was part of is another, complete with a list of dated amendments to that document, including the one banning slavery."
"Is there continuous timekeeping, do you know the current date such that you're sure it was counted correctly from before?"
Laithan is happy to discuss statistics for a bit longer and would like to do so again another time but he's going to need to leave pretty soon or he'll be late for his next meeting.