sequel to maitimor
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"That's going to take a really long time to pay off conventionally. I think he should trade you."


"How much would it be - I don't know what this all looks like to you, would a gate do it, or a few of them, or lights, or...?"


"A life is a lot. A couple of gates, maybe."


"If sorcery even works there, which it may not. If it doesn't I can transmute something here, if there's any metal that would be more valuable if I turned it into some other kind of metal or something like that."


"There are definitely some metals that are more valuable than other metals but we have the ability to make arbitrary amounts of stuff at will, sort of, does that affect it?"


"I don't know - would transmuting something for them be less value given that they can make arbitrary amounts of stuff at will -"


" - I have no idea. They can make arbitrary amounts of stuff at will? That's - astonishingly powerful -"


"I think that's how they plan to pay enough to kill you."


"I don't know how to check if their abilities change the value of objects given to them without giving them any objects, and I take it the gate can only be open a minute."


"I could see if I get lucky with one of mine. - once we have visibility we should check if your grandmother is still entangled with whichever of your parents."


"Oh - yeah, we should. My father."


"Would the lot of you like to consider my opening a gate instead of you doing it as a favor to you for which you're prepared to trade as much as possible of his grandmother's debt, and then check through there if name entanglement persists after resurrection by checking between Lohte's father and grandmother without any of you watching lest you also guess his name, and if it does proceed with the plan, including thinking of additional magic you might like done if a gate isn't enough to buy his grandmother's debt?"


He repeats this to himself. 

"I assume the considering things favors is relevant to managing the debt, somehow?"


"If I just do things on my own and the things aren't a standard debt-affecting category it doesn't count, but favors do count. My gates take varying amounts of time to settle and there's also some interaction I don't really understand with fairy paths if I start them from this world, so it might take me a few tries, and I have to manually close them and can't do that until they settle. I have some already that lead to my world and can start there if I can't make one large enough for full-size people here."


"Sure, we would consider a gate to your world a favor which you can trade for this fairy we resurrected."


"'My world' is ambiguous, how about just 'a gate enabling exchange between us' or something like that."


"Sure, I'd consider it a favor if you set up a gate enabling exchange between us."


"I'll get to work on that, then. I think maybe if I go almost but not quite to the beginning of the fairy path, I'll be able to make it and then people will still be able to fit through, just not with as much margin as I'd usually leave. Lohte, do you want to get your father and meet me there -"


"Yes, I can do that."


"Do you guys have an idea for if she still counts as knowing her son's name?"


"I am sort of confused about how all this works, but I thought she will count if she sees him and probably won't count if she doesn't see him?"


"What I'm worried about is if, before they actually look at each other, a fairy looking at both of them can identify them as entangled. If that happens, then killing Lohte and bringing him back will probably not disentangle you."



"Killing him will. Right?"


"Leaving him dead will."


"Okay. So if we'd be reentangled as soon as he's resurrected then once he is dead we will change our plans and figure out how I can make sure Osirion is safe if I'm too sped-up to manage it and conceivably we should also try to figure out a modified, more stringent Zone of Truth and then we'll resurrect him once we can weather the entanglement a bit better."

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