sequel to maitimor
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"That might include the person currently relaying for us. Who wants to take over -"


"I mean, it includes everyone who can relay efficiently, but I can relay inefficiently."


"Let's do that, then."


Out go Quendi, and also Annie just to be safe since she's unlikely to be able to forget things and might ever learn her girlfriend's grandfather's name.

Annie comes back to report that they can't open the doors to their guest rooms.


"You can't affect many artificial objects while you're fast. I don't fully understand the principle as it was explained to me."


"It's not a big deal, we can sit in the hall, but I thought it bore mentioning." She leaves again.


"Anything else to cover before I go ahead and make the body?"


"The fl- is it importantly a metaphor if I say the floor needs to be covered, equivocating between senses of 'cover', since he meant 'mention in conversation' and I mean 'put a tarp down' -"


"That's permitted."


Cam puts a tarp down, and then a body.


He tries Resurrection, which does nothing.


"First attempt does not appear to have worked."


"- uh, if you only get to prepare spells at dawn, you don't get to do that for a while, if we're running faster than the day cycle. I probably still can, but..."


" - yeah. That'll be annoying.

I can see if Miracle can raise her but it might be my last one for a while."


"Are you sure that Miracle will work if you're running faster than Abadar?"


"Are you sure nothing higher leverage will come up before the next time you can prep spells?"


"Miracle is normally instantaneous, so even if it takes him subjectively a while I'd expect it to work. I have no idea what else we're going to run into but this seems like the thing with the best prospects of getting us to not be fast, which I'd really like."


"Is it in fact an unproblematic solution to kill and raise this guy? I mean, for one thing we'll know his name all over again once he's back, and for another presumably everyone he knows will miss him while we're being slow about getting him raised, especially if it takes until dawn."


"It doesn't seem like an ideal solution but do we have any other ones? I can't keep being fast, it's going to very quickly cause a lot of disasters here."


"What kind of disasters?"


"Well, they're going to panic over the fact I vanished, and then do a lot of magic to try to figure out where I am, and when it turns up that I'm still here do a lot of magic to try to establish contact, and when that fails try to cover up the fact that I disappeared, and when that fails plausibly have a civil war."


"Why would you have a civil war? Don't you have a god pick your rulers specifically to avoid that kind of problem?"


"You can't just avoid interacting with him in resurrected form to have knowing his name not be a problem because you're the person who'd have to resurrect him! Is there someone else handy who can do that who we can communicate with in writing or something?"


"We can have someone else resurrect him. We do have a god pick our rulers to avoid civil wars but I don't think Abadar can pick a new pharaoh while I'm not dead just trapped."

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