sequel to maitimor
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"No. It has various doors that are sometimes open, and we can hope one of them is, or I could try holding really still for a long time with a piece of paper telling someone to open it."


"You could also put the piece of paper down if you have some way to verify written orders are from you."


"Clerics don't get Arcane Mark."


"Yeah, I don't think they'd know, not confidently."


"You'll have to show us the exits to the Dome that might be open."


"Yeah, okay, we can go look."


"Kind of think we should stop looking for new universes with our current resource base," she says to Annie.


"It kinda looks that way. Which is unfortunate but I guess now we have a principled way to resolve explore versus exploit."



"How exactly do you estimate the value of your life?"


"I have had people killed, I know how much debt is the right amount."


"I'm assuming here that something awful would have happened if they had lied to me about having been able to raise your grandmother from the dead but supposing that's not the case, or that they choose not to or fail at raising you for some reason, what happens to the stuff? Supposing the answer isn't 'they just take it all right back because why not', I guess. And the court, what are you going to do -"


"I think long term we'd fold back in with my mother's father, if I'm not around, but my mother's competent to manage everyone, she did it before I was around. 

I don't - really expect them to raise me, it seems to require too many things to go right, but I think the entanglements should be gone. And we need the entanglements to be gone, a big group of nonfairies in another dimension isn't going to last a week without lying or doing something else wrong."



"Do you want me to make them raise you? I may be able to, assuming they don't have a way to have lied."


" - yes. Would you?"


"I'd want to have some reason to believe they weren't going to do it themselves before I started slinging around enforced orders, since that would make the situation potentially adversarial and I don't, personally, have practice from that end, and I don't think I can derive all the names plus I need actual original names so it's possible they don't know each other's, but given all that I would sooner not let them just kill you and leave you that way."



" - I could write down a syllable of mine. I would really really really recommend not looking at it but it should help you get the ones you couldn't get already, if you needed it."


"Well, that's drastic, but I suppose everything under consideration is drastic.

Your grandmother's probably in their debt at the moment for being resurrected unless the debt system completely fails to parse resurrection as an event. Given that I'm not sure killing you would even slow them down..."


"Might slow them down except for the one who resurrected her."


"Right. I'm not sure if they have a plan for getting disentangled with her... I'll ask."

Do you have a plan for getting disentangled with his grandmother?


" - no? She has to give us stuff?"


I'm not sure if she's even in fact entangled with you. She'd be able to see it, so you could ask her, and if she isn't, then Lohte won't owe your friend for the resurrection and can buy her debt from you with what you use to get him in deep enough to kill; but if she is then, yes, that needs to be resolved for you to slow down, though specifically giving you objects isn't the only way.


"Hey," he says to the fairy, "are you in my debt?"


She nods. 

"Okay. Hang on, we're going to fix that."


What else can resolve it?


I think the most popular options among fairies are violence and sex but I don't go in for those so I would need to ask for details about how specifically to calibrate it for whatever amount. Most other stuff is more time-consuming except for giving people items, and I don't know if she's still technically in possession of any stuff she might have had at the time of her death. If none of that sounds good it might make sense for you to sell me specifically her debt in exchange for some magical service, I can do magic pretty quickly but would need Lohte to gauge how much magical lighting or whatever it would take to cover.


"How much debt?" he asks the woman.

"...for my life," she replies, as if she thinks he must be very dense.


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