sequel to maitimor
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"...I was not a very adoptable baby as they go once I reincarnated, what with being blind and screaming all the time. I assume I screamed all the time because I was too hot and people didn't know about the music allergy and even before I remembered Rirosseth I missed her but I have a normal amount of childhood amnesia about it. So I wound up with a family of the kind that takes in eleven variously disadvantaged children and aggressively attempts to Christianize them."


"Are you well clear?"


"Oh, yes, they didn't know I could read so they were very surprised when I was equipped to skip off when I was eighteen with one of the more tolerable sisters and join the Peace Corps."


Hug. "We have money, if you want to do something else now."


"Oh, yeah, I figure I can improve on what I've been up to once we're back."


"Got contact with the multiverse to straighten out, and everything."


"I think I want to retry the rest of Annie's world-flung-people scries now that we know at least some of them work. We have an appointment with Bella tomorrow afternoon her time, in the event we don't call you again before then anything we should tell her for you?"


<Just tell her I'm proud of her and I'm sure she'll manage everything.>


"We would spend less of the meeting trying to convince her she can tell us things if you happen to have a way to encode a message for her about how persuasive we were or something."


<You can try to loop me in for the meeting if you want but there's nothing inimitable, with Yeerks.>


"Yeah, that's what I said. More or less. Thanks anyway."


"The thing only works for one person at a time. I guess Cam could bankroll the purchase of another if there's likely to be another on sale anywhere at the moment."


"There are probably a couple more in the country. I can make it known that we'd buy one but I wouldn't be very surprised if there were no takers."


"So probably no conference calls unless it comes about that we can bust you out of Park Jail. ...hey, does that grass look about like where the Elf soul scry was to anybody else?"


"Yes, it's at least similar."


"Maybe I can try reembodying the Elf in the same trip then."


<This is the most common type of grass on our planet.>


"Whoever goes through can Teleport to the Elf. Assuming they'll be safe if they wake up there?"


<People would want to be sure they weren't a Yeerk infiltrator but assuming you've explained yourselves there won't be problems.>


"We can try the diplomatic overture option, yes. Do the socially acceptable species get dinged for talking to the less so ones?"


<I wouldn't advertise it, but it's not inherently a problem.>


"Anything else to cover before we hang up?"


<Be very careful about Yeerk infiltration, if you're sending anyone back and forth to our world or leaving traces someone could use to do that. I don't think it's likely but it'd be disastrous.>

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