sequel to maitimor
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<Andi? Yes.>



"You have a Sofa, you said -"


"Still have her. Him I didn't have a chance to do anything about."


<Andi does morph dancing. Some people have a gift for controlling the rate and order a morph happens in, and she's one of them. Last I heard she was very happy. She's a good kid.>


"Well, won't my mom feel like a moron if she finds out he was supposed to have some sort of special talent." Sigh.


<...what happened?>


"...she had twins.

Probably important context here is that I'm from a society where it's customary to have lots of kids and then murder at least half of them."



<I see. Uh - why ->


"Uh, abbreviating a very long and fraught cultural history, most of us think the deity who sorts people into afterlives is racist and will not sort us fairly, and that they need to prep for that by ingratiating themselves to the people who rule the roost in the Abyss, and those people approve of child-murder. Also both we and our more socially acceptable surface-dwelling cousins don't really get why anybody would like babies, my kind's solving this with slave labor and the surface kind solves it by going slowly extinct, so it's not, like, particularly psychologically difficult to murder a baby. Some people have a harder time with girls, you're supposed to wait with the girls and see if we're useful or anything. My mother didn't have enough slaves around for twins."


< - huh. I think your babies must be a lot more inconvenient than ours. Also yours should not be the society that makes contact with Andalites, but it sounds like you were already on top of that.>


"My society doesn't even make contact with me these days."


<A terrible loss for them. What reasons do you have to expect afterlives ->


"...well, we can see them with magic just like we can see you, and resurrect people from them, and one of 'em allows tourism."


<But we do not go to them?>


"Just locals, far as I am aware. To be clear I'm more aware than random people but I have not yet stalked Pharasma to her house and loomed over her with a deicidal sharp object and demanded a full explanation, so I could be missing something."


"We have lots to do but scrying the dead from other places is definitely on the list."


<Thank you.>


"Does she live in a house?"


"That's a good question, I'll have to consider expanding my stalking if I can't find any houses with her in them."


(He explains who Pharasma and the other deities are to Matirin.)


"Your mom?" Cam pulls up a family photo. "Adjusting for the ears and color -"


"That's my folks, yeah, is this really the time to have a sitdown about my mixed feelings about my folks? She outperformed her society a li'l bit, if that makes you feel better."


"I was actually expecting her to specifically be better about kids. My mom adopts dead kids in Limbo."


"Well, you know, infanticide isn't all that bad if there's someplace they go where somebody like that will adopt them. I'm mostly not upset on his behalf. He's probably fine."

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