sequel to maitimor
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"Pretty urgent, if they have reason to think we might be."


He would need to see you. If you have a way to arrange that and have reason to believe it's possible you may be entangled with him already that is urgent.



Uh. Please define lying so we can discuss this safely."


Sarcasm counts. Metaphors count. I recommend being very conservative but if you have an edge case I can ask him.


" - Zone of Truth makes it impossible to knowingly lie in the zone of the spell if you don't throw it off but it's not that restrictive. I might cast it anyway - as an additional safeguard - does the casting of spells count as violence -"


"They want to know if casting spells counts as violence. They have one that makes it impossible to lie, albeit for a less comprehensive definition."


"I would expect the use of magic to cause injuries or illness to count and the use of magic to make it impossible to lie to not count."


He thinks that spell will not count but spells that cause illness or injury would.


"What about ordering other people to do violence - I run a country and could be considered to be doing that all the time -"


"Does proxy violence count? I imagine he would know this if any of the people he were doing proxy violence to were faeries, but -"


"No, that's fine."


He says proxy violence is fine. And anyway, it doesn't kick in unless you are in debt to the person you're doing violence to. But violence creates debt so if you attack a faery you can only do it once.


"Okay. Zone of Truth. Maybe we can design a modified, more stringent one."


"Is there a way other than Gate to let him have a look at us?"


"I am not immediately thinking of one. I take it they can't cast spells themselves on their side. Someone could Plane Shift and then Teleport there and then do a scry in the other direction, except that scrying this palace doesn't work."


"If it turns out we all know his name, is there a way to... stop?"


"There is very rare memory modification magic."


"It would probably be challenging for some of us to avoid re-learning it."


"I seem to recall your Eru saying you'd be glad you came."


"He is not necessarily completely omniscient any more to the point that would be necessary to take that as a guarantee of nondisaster no matter what we run into."


"How many people do you need to see to determine whether we're entangled?"


"If the risk here is that they might know the name, any one of them who might know it would do, unless they have different guesses."


"Is there any possibility that being in different universes might itself be protective, and if so, might creating a gate for visibility undo that?"


" - not impossible. Hard to test, though."


"Is there nothing very small-magnitude one of them could try?"

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