sequel to maitimor
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"Well, apparently even if we can't scry it from here we should be able to scry it from the world you landed in, which will be 'closer'."


"That's an Arda, I wonder why it's different."


"No idea. I guess I can ask that too."


"You were going to get a spell done this morning -" he says to Hemaka.


"He's on his way."




“In other news, I have some new spells, and encouragement to gate to anywhere except Anaander and Rubelite’s world and the Ardas. So if the rest of you want gates we can start figuring out where they ought to go.”


"Specs on such gates?"


“They are semicircular, between five and twenty feet in diameter, can be permanently open or can open under conditions I set. They’re one-sided, walking through in the other direction does nothing. I can make a temporary one to demonstrate if we want.”


"How complicated can the conditions be?"


"I think they have to have a referent there's a detection spell for. So you can have them only open to Good people or only open if someone truthfully speaks a sentence or only open to those of the right blood but you can't do, like, our own homebrewed definition of benign intent, there's no spell for that."


"Can you change the conditions later?"


"No. We could close it and make a new one, though."


"You can detect magic, so you could require authorized people to be lightly magicked in some way before coming through?"


"Yes, that's doable."


"That'd be my suggestion to start for Amenta to here, doesn't scale well later but lets traffic be under control. Probably the sentence thing for the other way around. 'This interdimensional passport was validly issued to me less than a season ago' or whatever. You could also do that in both directions."


"Do you have a location in mind -"


"Anitam somewhere, I guess. Is there, I don't know - Neli, you don't happen to know of any really convenient place, like an airport that's nearly built but hasn't opened yet?"


"Not off the top of my head. Maybe there's one that's adding a new wing. Could there be a small gate limited to the people here and a short list of coconspirators, which we could use while we're figuring out general public announcements and refitting an airport?"


"I can do one a day. Though it trades off against two resurrections, so we'll want to make sure all of them need to happen."


"A small one for an access list preliminary to a big one for general contact sounds right to me. might make sense to pull Cam off the internet project, we can do it especially if gates let cables through and then you can share ours and he can do something else. Unless you can reach and would rather be compatible with where he's from."


"Amenta sounds like a better influence than Cam's world, honestly. Not that we won't get lots of cross-pollination eventually, but as a jumping-off point."


"Does it?"


"They have laws. You haven't solved our afterlife problem yet."


"It's complicated and the documentation's awful."

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