sequel to maitimor
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His confidence in how long he has to work is something he'd want to know sooner than later, though perhaps just walk up to him and wait rather than running in yelling.


Got you.


So he opens the door and stands there quietly.


"Hey. Which one are you, I don't have your wardrobes and favorite hairstyles memorized."


"Yours. I predict they'll send to Endorë, not to your summoner, and I expect Endorë will think to summon someone to check where we are and before they try to get you dismissed. You could check this by pulling the flight log off the lightleaper, I'm less sure of the Valinor half of that than the Endorë half."


"- flight logs, that's a good idea," Cam says. "Should have thought of that." He checks.


To Endorë.


“There’s kind of an astonishing amount to think about all suddenly. Who were you in the middle of reembodying, I was trying to sort out if he’d have family and accordingly resent a delay.”


Cam shows him the list.


"I don't think he has kids. I guess you might want to conjure to check.


Under more normal circumstances I'd say just stay here for as long as you're needed, the Elves can wait, but under the circumstances I don't think you or I should decide that, probably. I think I'd write Ingwe explaining why it'd be valuable for you to stay, but letting him decide to call you back if he wants. But I don't have a good sense of how bad things are here - Khemet said there were multiple evil gods -"


"That's what I hear too.

No idea what to put in a letter."


"I could - try to learn some more things that might be relevant to us and then some that might be relevant to Ingwe and then hope writing the letter sounds more surmountable with that done, I guess. - does Ingwe have an alt here, his sister does."


"Didn't ask. I overheard the you with blue hair mentioning that he's got versions of the Carnistir's wife and one of the Macalaurë's girlfriends but nobody else seemed to so who knows what you can expect."


"Well, I should at least check that, because I bet a letter from him'd go over better than one from any of us - the sister might still help, except that she is plausibly illiterate because Khemet's running his place off inherited lunacy - are you okay with the plan of writing Ingwe, if we can figure out what to say?"


"Yeah. New Valinor's got dibs on me."


"I'll let you know what we come up with.

I'm glad we've got more of you on all of this."


"They're pretty cool. Even the weird spaceship fragment."


"I've only met Mirelótë but she's wonderful."


"She might be the coolest one. Cor has her beat on number of worlds saved but he had more of a leg up. ...don't talk to Cor probably."


"Khemet said. I'll steer clear of him. I swear I've never abused or kidnapped or raped anybody, for what that's worth."


"I wasn't especially worried."


Nod. "I'll let you know when we've got a letter or need your input on it, then?"




He goes.


Someone who is not me should give that man a hug, he tells Mirelótë.


Not while he's busy. I think it's less obvious than it would be since the first thing they did with him was stick him in an antimagic jail cell, so he isn't expecting this mistake, but diverting any of his attention out of concern for his feelings under any kind of time pressure would be - disrespectful. Next time he takes a break and maybe I'll get Rubelite to do it.


No, I caught that, we talked entirely about priorities. But during a break would be good. 

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