sequel to maitimor
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You are the only difference your Maitimo and I have been able to identify.


Oh, yes, it was almost certainly me, but don't make too big a deal out of it, I like it when people come to the conclusion on their own and then I get additional credit for something that is sort of like humility if you squint.


Well, here I am responsibly having come to the conclusion on my own. Do you think the arguments you used to convince your Valar will be persuasive to ours -


They might not be in the most receptive mood when next they can hear arguments.


I think the best bet would be mine talking to them.


And Maitimë's? Magic's?


Magic's are worse and I don't know why, and Matimë's sound about the same as yours to start with but farther along and with more bad decisions behind them and a long period where we don't have updates on how things are going since they last chatted, but my first bet would still be mine talking to them.


That makes sense. Does Belmarniss think that any of the local gods are promising?


My impression is no - there was some paperwork on which she declined to list a favorite deity, though that might mean her favorite is socially unacceptable or something - but I haven't asked about it specifically.


As far as I understand it Abadar is - friendly to many goals we have but not interested in being more than a resource in the locally conventional fashion.


That's my impression too, he didn't sound like he was going to drop everything and start trying to apply the force of multiversal exploitability to some worthwhile problem he just hasn't had the resources for until now. I haven't met him but I'm tempted to compare him to a narrow Maia and I don't know what if anything would cause him to make an exception to his habits. The deities may vary, some of them were once incarnates of various sorts. Belmarniss is sleeping but it's worth asking her when she's up.


Definitely. I'm also sort of curious if all the evil gods are as intractable as Melkor but on the other hand am very reluctant to extend any of them any benefit of the doubt ever.


Now we know what happens if you do that, yep. But they may have different instructive examples here - Ainur in general are the sort of things where you can expect that if they're a way they will stay that way, gods here might not be fundamentally like that.


I'm unclear on how hard the local gods are to talk to but it seems worth figuring out. 


Khemet can talk to his with some ceremony but no obvious limits per se, others I don't know.


I asked him if we could do it and he made a face and said 'maybe in a month or two'?


Yes, I think it's a particular privilege of his, I'm not sure what exactly he expects to happen in a month or two though.

Do you have a prediction for how long we have Cam here?


I think they'll send to Endorë rather than to the summoner planet and I think someone on Endorë will think of conjuring mail from us.


That's good. He'll still want to fit a minimum viable project into five days just in case but he'll relax a lot when he realizes he has longer. If he gives you his list of people to resurrect and tells you where he was on it, will you be able to guess how inconvenienced they'd be by his absence for a more extended period?


I can take a look. The main thing would just be whether he stopped in the middle of a family or not.


He arrived with a chip in hand he said belonged to someone called Iverindo. It was very alarming when he showed up holding it, I actually still have it in my pocket now.


There's several Iverindos so I can't guess just off that but if he can give me the surrounding names I can guess from there.


He's over that way - Directions.

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