Fairy Revan in the Wormverse
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"All right. I'll let them know you're coming."

But first: coffee. Coffee is important. It's a good thing she can't get addicted to coffee unless she wants to be. Because she has drunk a lot of coffee, and she's not going to stop anytime soon.

Then she lets them know that Glam is okay with the extra six months, and that they're going to be coming by to discuss it and join the Wards.

And Glam comes by to discuss it and join the Wards.

What a surprise!

(Well, maybe to people that aren't her.)

Morgan's there to look out for Glam's interests and be the trustworthy adult present, but this isn't her show.

She can handle paperwork, though, if Glam would rather not. She's had practice.

The paperwork is pretty okay, as such things go, there don't seem to be any hidden you're-doomed clauses, and in any case Glam wears a mask, it's not like they could do a whole lot if there was a clause they disliked and they disobeyed it, other than just returning to the current status quo.

Then that's all very easy. Morgan refrains from looking too smug in front of the Protectorate, but she is pretty pleased about it. She's not going to gloat to Legend, but she wants to.

Would Glam like Morgan to regularly check up on them, or just show up when called?

The latter. Does she have email?

She does! Glam may have it.

The Protectorate can also have it, if they would like for her to diplomat for them in the future.
They might.

Glam is happy! And will have to make friends with the other Wards who mostly know them as "that kid who kept handing us our asses." Fun.
Well, Glam could always ask to be moved to a different city, but - yeah. That'll be fun.

Do they need her to be present for any sort of public announcement about this? Since she's Glam's legal guardian.

No, not really, especially because people will be unmasked and such.

All right then.

Well, everyone has her e-mail and she's not needed for anything, she can just fuck off.

What to do, what to do. How much information is there on warlords in Africa? She bets she can take all of them, but maybe not. And if there's a good starting place for her conquest, she'd like to know it.

That depends on what she'd consider a good starting place. For instance, there's this warlord... warlady? Called Moord Nag who has been in power for quite a while.


Hmmm. Could be a good idea, show that she's powerful enough and going to stay, but it also could be injecting more instability to an already unstable area. What's she done to the structure of the place she's in charge of?


Well, the fact that her power relies on her pet shadow creature eating people may partially answer that question.

It answers it well enough for her liking.

Let's have a grand entrance, then. Are there any bounties open on Moord Nag?
Not that many. She is after all limited to Namibia, and honestly who cares about Namibia?

(Not the rich people who do not live there and have no reason to care or even know that Africa is not in fact a country.)

Well, not ideal, but that's okay. She cares about Namibia. For example: what are the major languages spoken there?


Quite a few of them, actually! English is the official language, but less than 1% of the population speaks it as their native, though secondary education is in English. 60% of the white population speaks Afrikaans, and it's the closest to a lingua franca there, spoken by most people. As a household language, Oshiwambo dialects are the most commonly spoken, comprising 48.9% of the households, followed by Nama/Damara (11.3%) and Afrikaans (10.4%).

She does actually already speak Afrikaans, but not understanding all languages of a place that she's planning to be in charge of - bugs her. She makes a list of the major Oshiwambo dialects and looks for a place she can learn Nama/Damara.

Now, what's the government of Namibia like? She expects it to be in complete shambles, but if there's something of it left maybe she can try to salvage it.

If she speaks Afrikaans, she probably knows Moord Nag means 'murder night' and also recognizes her shadow pet's name Aasdier as 'scavenger.' And the current government of Namibia is Moord Nag. She expects tribute in people, and doesn't care about much else otherwise.

Yep, she recognized those things. She's not going to be sad about spacing/killing her at all.

Is there any trace of the previous government left? Or some kind of organization for who gets to be eaten?

Other than people who created organizations themselves to avoid having Moord Nag just walk around their villages eating random people, nope.

Charming. She'll see if she can work with that, but - this seems like a good blank slate. Everyone's going to be completely terrified of her at first, but she thinks 'not literally eating people' is a pretty solid improvement over the last person in charge.

She calls the Protectorate, and asks if they have any information on Moord Nag they'd like to share with her.

If she put her mind to it she'd probably be able to deal Triumvirate-levels of damage. That's about as much as they know.

Right. Nobody cares about Namibia. Ugh.

Do they think she's too dangerous for the Birdcage and should summarily be shipped off to space, or should she try to haul her back to prison? (She'd much prefer to kill her, but she's trying to make nice with the Protectorate.)
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