Fairy Revan in the Wormverse
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She's not super picky, actually! She'd like to ask about specifics of the Wards, especially pertaining to how they treat secret identities, their view on gaining legal custody of an orphaned Ward who has no legal guardian, what it's like to live there full time, and how a Ward could legally defend themselves if they felt like they were being treated poorly. Who can answer those questions?


Well, there are pamphlets, and more detailed booklets, with information about the Wards program and the Youth Guard.

... Okay. Not quite what she wanted, but she'll read them.

What do they say?
The Wards are not required to give their real information. The Protectorate only becomes their legal guardian if they're orphaned and do not have one. An emancipated minor doesn't need one, but to prove they're emancipated they do have to provide their real information.

There is a lot of information about the Youth Guard. Apparently it originated from a landmark ruling, Reed vs. PRT, in which parents of one of the first Wards raised complaints about the impact of the Wards program on their day to day life. The small group was put in place to act as oversight to ensure that the Wards were well treated and soon snowballed in size, drawing from television appearances, lucrative charity drives and mass public support.
Well if they don't need to give their real information, that's not really going to become an issue, is it?

The Youth Guard is - a thing. Sort of promising, but it feels too commercial for her tastes.

Is there anything on a cape becoming the legal guardian of an orphaned Ward without the Ward required to give real information?

Well, the cape would be a legal guardian only insofar as the Protectorate was concerned, and the minor themself would need to consent, of course.

That works out pretty well, then.

She gathers up all relevant pamphlets and booklets, then calls Glam to tell them what she's learned and to ask them if they'd like to see the pamphlets for themself.

Yes, thank you very much.

Then Glam gets assorted pamphlets and booklets!

Does Glam have further questions that Morgan can help answer?
None that the pamphlets and booklets didn't answer.

...they'll probably go join the Wards, then, won't they.
Morgan insists that it really is up to them, they can back out if they'd rather not, Morgan will not use ultimate blackmail to force them into doing anything.

But if they'd like to, she'll certainly help.

No, yeah, they know, they'll... get the murder off their record. That sounds like the best plan.

Okay then.

This is how she proposes they do it, then, so Glam doesn't get caught in a terrible position: Morgan goes and negotiates for them, possibly with Glam on the phone weighing in in case this becomes less 'negotiation' and more 'The Protectorate demanding things of Glam that Glam doesn't want.' Either way, Glam is not actually physically present while negotiations are occurring.

Does that work for them?

...Glam is still having a hard time swallowing this whole 'is good and cares for other people' thing Morgan's got going on, but yeah, sounds good.

Morgan has every belief that Glam will get used to her eventually.

To the PHQ! Can she set up a negotiation with someone in charge about getting Glam to become part of the Wards?

Yes: Deputy Chief Director Reinhold. He apologizes for Chief Director Costa-Brown's absence, she had duties to attend to elsewhere.

It's quite all right, Morgan isn't going to cause a fuss.

"So," says Morgan, "Once I explained the situation with the Wards, Glam was much more willing to join up, on probationary status until they turn eighteen, if they don't have to reveal their secret identity. They were in an Endbringer attack and only their power saved them, but not their legal guardian, apparently - officially an orphan. That being said, the Protectorate makes them nervous and they'd like me to be their official for-Protectorate-purposes legal guardian to make sure that they don't get treated badly."
"It is entirely against our wishes to treat them badly. If they're a minor, then there is much more leniency for their transgressions."

He doesn't mention that no one pressed charges on account of the dead drug dealer so theoretically Glam's crimes are basically petty theft and being an annoyance.

"I get that, but I think you need to show that to Glam in order for them to believe it? They struck me as... Well, when I was actively helpful and thoughtful they were weirded out and trying to figure out my angle. And, yeah - they were under the impression that joining the Wards would induct them into the Protectorate when they turned eighteen."


"They will be strongly encouraged to join the Protectorate when they turn eighteen, yes, but we could not force them to. There may be things more damaging to the Protectorate's goals than keeping capes who don't want to stay that we could do, but most of them probably involve actual felonies."

Nod. "The impression I got was that the only reason Glam has been doing felonies at all is because they thought the problem with the drug dealer screwed them over forever."


He blinks. "I wish I could say that surprises me but in hindsight it really does not."




Sigh. "And you believe if they didn't think the... incident... would cause problems, they would have joined?"


"I think what they wanted was to be a rogue of some kind, but I didn't really ask them for what-ifs, I was trying to understand things how they are now. Now they'd like to be a rogue that gets along well enough with the Protectorate and isn't going to be thrown in jail or forced to do anything that they don't want to do."

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