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"One more would be good? If it's easier I could suggest them and you could pick which ones actually interest you or something?"


"Uh - sure."


"Hmmm - what sorts of things do fairies do with their lives? Am I evil? What's with Connor and Karen? How are your niece and nephew? Or if you don't wanna get into anything you could ask about, I dunno, favorite pizza toppings."


" - should I be suspecting you of being evil."


" - so my impression is that we're, like, 50-50, for evilness, so far? We've got the evil fairy and the devil-worshipping you and the one who's in Hell though I take it not for, like, very typical evil - anyway I kinda just wonder about everybody at this point? And I can't lie."


"I guess everyone here is kind of suspicious."


"It seems kind of like you and your alternates always find yourselves in the middle of powerful magical to-dos and ours got - luckier."




"I'm not totally clear what your situation is except that my Karen thought we should maybe just evacuate you and your family from the dimension."


"Uh. I work for an interdimensional evil law firm and I'm not allowed to leave."


"Not allowed like they'll kill you or not allowed like there's magic stopping you or - some other kind of not allowed, I'm sure I'm missing some."


"Mostly they'll kill me. And if I die I might be summoned back? I know that happens to some people but I'm not actually sure whether I'm important enough for them to bother with it."


"Sounds terrifying."


Yeah it really is.



"We can check whether there are vampires in our world."


"Yeah. That seems good to know."


"Did you like any of those questions? Should I come up with some more?"


"Uh. - what's up with Connor and Karen?"


"She saved his life when some zombies attacked them at work. That creates a life debt. By fairy law he belonged to her. We offered to pay her for it, but she was - pretty suspicious of that, understandably. So he started trying to pay it back. Moved in with her. Gives her the money from his job. Eventually they decided they were - both happy. He's not really - fairies who look at them will see that he belongs to her but of course if he wanted to leave she could use her magic to erase the debt. So it's not really slavery."


"Oh. Okay. I guess that's - weird but less obviously evil."


"He was so unhappy before. He'd tell us every day he meant to run off to Canada and wrestle bears. We're very grateful to her. I - think she's doing better too? He watches her niece while she's at school and it turns out she does really well when she's not trying to grow up too fast and of course she's going to end all the problems in the world with magic but I don't know whether to count that, it seems to have been a lot of luck."


"I see."


"She really didn't mean to terrorize you all."


"Yeah. That makes sense. Obviously if she can get my niece and nephew and we can stay somewhere without - provoking any kind of retaliation, that'll be good."


"I really hope that works, then. Happy to offer any help I can, though that is not very much, because I am a college student with really inconvenient superpowers and I've never heard of an interdimensional evil law firm."

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