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One of the things about being telekinetic, at least to the extent that she is, is that it involves being very aware of all of the matter in her vicinity. She can feel every blade of grass, every leaf on all of the trees, where all of the people are and what all of them are doing and how loud all of them are being. She can't actually figure out what they're saying, when they're too far away for her to properly hear, but she does get volume.


Imrainai's upset.


Yeah. I am trying to not eavesdrop on them. Sometimes people don't like it if you hear things they wouldn't have expected you could hear.


I see. 

Do you think I shouldn't go see what's wrong, then?


No, I think that is okay. If they don't want you to hear when they see you they'll stop talking. It's just hearing where they wouldn't expect you to that I try to avoid.


Nodnod. Hug.

I'm gonna check on them.


Sounds good.


So she flies over to them and lands on the rainforest floor.


" - oh. Hi."


Can you ask Imrainai if she's okay? she sends Elizabeth.


uh, sure.

The one from hell wants to know if you're okay, she sends Korva.


" - uh. I'm being kind of silly. It's nothing to worry about."


Silly how?


"Uh, just - this is weird. Childishly bemoaning my lack of marital prospects. I guess I don't really expect you to have a lot of context for this."


Why can't you get married?


" - it's not that I can't, it's just that it's not going to happen. Which is fine."


Why is it not going to happen?


"Has anyone ever told you that you're a very nosy person?"


Very, very, very long ago.



"I'm never going to get married because nobody is ever going to fall in love with me. Nobody is ever going to fall in love with me because I am a cold, dead, affectionless harpy who is never going to love anyone in a way that would make them want to love me back. Also because I have probably somehow made myself unmarriageable by the standards of every society in existence, which would be very inconvenient if I didn't already have this problem anyway. Is that what you wanted to know?"


Some of it.


"What about you. You're, like, thousands of years old, right, have you ever been in love? Ever felt anything that looked like it in very specific lighting?"



Once. In love or very foolish.


"What happened with that? Assuming you're fine with everyone being exactly as nosy back."


I guess so.

Very very long ago, I was transported to a world in the middle of an apocalyptic war, with Alex and my dog and two vampires and a human man I had never met before. It was discovered that we could end the war by trapping the evil god inside a human infant. We did not have any human infants. I decided that we would create one. The other human was upset about it. I was sixteen, and we were all very young, and somehow the difference between us seemed very big, at that time. He was worried about the fact that I had never had sex before. I'd never even wanted to kiss anyone. He was also really sure that Alex was in love with me.

I convinced him to have sex with me. I remember thinking that it was just about the most painful thing that had ever happened to me. But it worked. I had a baby. I sealed the god inside her. Everyone forgot what had happened, as part of the spell. The other human proposed to me right away. When I had confirmed that the spell had worked, I killed the baby and the god, and he never spoke to me again.

For a long time after that - a long time as young humans count time - I felt like all of the pieces of myself weren't connected very well. I didn't do anything but sit in my room. I spent a lot of time wishing that Alex would hold me, or kiss me, or tell me he loved me. But I was worried that everything inside me was rotten and evil and horrible, and that if I kept feeling like that I would make the feelings turn rotten and evil and horrible. So I decided that I would lock the feelings in a little imaginary box, and I would put a little imaginary lock on it, and I would leave all of my feelings about Alex inside the box, and not open it or think about it or touch it at all, and that way it wouldn't get any horrible on it.




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