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Oh cool! 

....can she make a little expanse of rain forest over this way?



More rainforest, here and here and here.

"Does that work?"


"Great! Thank you."


"Mhmm! Have fun!"

Annnnd now she needs to go fix Connor's name.

Took care of Cecelia and the full fairy. So, uh, does anybody know your name right now besides your parents? 


I don't think so.


Okay. I guess I should make them forget it, then. And then, uh, do you want to name yourself, or do you want them to name you again, or would you want me to name you, or...


I'm not really good at names. - I like the one I gave you but otherwise.


I like the one you gave me, too! But I am mildly concerned that if I let you name yourself you will pick something very obvious and everyone will have accidentally guessed it within a week.

I thought of a name. If you want me to pick one.


That sounds good. What is it?


...she goes ahead and erases his father's memory of his name. And pops home for half a second and erases his mom's memory of it, too.


Francis. Uh, there was an explorer and pirate named Francis who was knighted by Queen Elizabeth I of England. He was the first sea captain to circumnavigate the world and live to tell about it. Also there's a famous saint named Francis who's the patron saint of animals.



That's a good name.


I'm glad. Then it can be yours, now. 

- I could probably knight you, too. I'm pretty sure queens are allowed to knight people. And then I would have a knight.


What do knights do?


Traditionally it's an honorary title bestowed on men in recognition of their service to their liege. In the middle ages it was mostly for people who knew how to fight on horseback, but by Sir Francis Drake's time I think it was a little more symbolic than that. 

I think mostly a knight devotes himself to the service of his liege, her realm, and her people. And in return he gets to be a noble and have recognition of how very important his efforts have been to her.


That sounds nice.


We should do it, then. I think you're supposed to do a little ceremony. 


What sort?


I thiiink the knight kneels and the monarch ceremonially touches his shoulders with a sword, and says something like 'I dub thee Sir Francis'. This is probably not very historically accurate, I am going based on the vague memory of having seen something similar on TV once. But I'm the queen and we don't have any traditions yet. So I think we can probably do it however we want. But it's nice to do something.


That sounds good except maybe don't say my name out loud. In case someone has eavesdropping magic or something.


That's legit. I can knight you Sir Connor. Fairy names are weird anyway.





She heads back to her yurt and makes herself a plus five merciful longsword. 

"This should work. Uh - we could just do it here? In which case I guess you kneel."


He kneels.


Very careful tap. Very careful tap. 

"I dub thee Sir Connor, knight of Diamond Queen Elizabeth X and servant of her realm."

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