Hi Calistria, it's Justice! I don't have a ton planned for today, I've got a job lined up in the morning casting Ant Haul and then spear practice in the afternoon but I don't have anything scheduled between then. I'm probably going to do a loop around Copperdown seeing if anyone wants me to make water for them, it's way less boring than Mending things. Speaking of which, spells for the day...
An hour is a long time. Justice has a lot more experience finding ways to fill it by now, but eventually it's almost up, and she comes back to the same thoughts she lands on almost every day.
...and someday I'll be ready to go back and give everyone like that what they deserve, and they'll burn in Hell wishing desperately that they hadn't been such awful people, they'll never be able to hurt anyone ever again. And we'll kick Asmodeus out of Cheliax, and no one will ever have to live in a country that's controlled by Asmodeans, and... well, I still don't really have very good ideas for getting vengeance on a god, but kicking him out is a start, at least. I think I'm getting closer to ready? I'm definitely a lot better with the spear than I was when I started.
Also if you could give me healing channels that would be really great.