There's more people than bunks and Aya is new and has no friends here and can't very well fight somebody for theirs so she's on the floor. It's cold and she'd better fall asleep before it gets colder or she'll be shivering all night. At the old lady's the mat she had was deep enough that she could lie on her back without her collar digging into her neck; here no such luck so she's on her side, arm under her head.
When he's done crying (and that takes a long time) he conjures for complete written works of the Bell and there is one, there is a Bell, everything is going to be okay, and then he conjures for a scale model of the Bell and their surroundings and -
- well.
That is not okay.
He doesn't even bother going invisible.
...teleporting embroidered child!
Teleporting embroidered child will probably realize he'd rather be somewhere else presently.
No, actually, seems to be staying. Though he does not look happy. "Um," he says. "What is this place? Why are you all here, do you need anything?"
Aya does not really want to be the person who talks to the teleporting embroidered child. Nobody else seems to be doing it either though. "Um," says somebody, and he gestures at his heel, tattooed like all the others.
"I don't know what that means. Do you want to be here? If not I can take you somewhere else."
"No you can't," says somebody else.
"He's got a teleporting embroidery, maybe he's rich," mutters somebody. More of the slaves are starting to wake up now.
"Do you at least want - blankets and pillows and things? And furniture - this place is ugly -"
"What, like they'd let us keep them," says someone.
"Kid, you don't wanna be here," someone else says gently, "you'll get in trouble, nobody's supposed to come or go while we're locked up."
"Well. Slavery has been abolished. You are all free now and you can have as much money and whatever stuff you want and you can leave." He teleports the roof off and into space for emphasis. of the barracks will be gone, too, and instead of that he will build a nice pretty amphitheater from Vanda Nossëo.
"Who else do I need to tell about slavery being abolished?"
He doesn't have room for an amphitheater. The barracks opens out onto a small yard and is enclosed on three sides by other buildings.
"Kiddo, you have a very nice embroidery but it doesn't mean you can just abolish slavery," says a slave.
"Fuck that, I want to teleport to Tsopix, can you do that," says someone else.
Well, he'll do the walls as stunningly pretty as he can manage them.
"Yeah, sure, what direction is it from here? And I can too abolish slavery, I can take everybody who thinks it's okay and put them on a different planet if I need to. Your government is stupid and evil and the Bell is in charge now - where's the Bell -" he looks searchingly around the room and sees Aya - "oh, it's an Aly face!! You're in charge of the world now. Who all wanted a teleport to Tsopix?"
"She's what?"
"In charge of the world now, apparently. Kid, we need sleep."
"Tsopix is northeast."
(The Aly-faced Bell blinks in confusion.)
"I can sing something for sleep."
And he starts singing. And while he's doing that he finishes the walls. The skip-sleep song isn't very long.
That prompts the Aly-faced Bell to say something, finally. "Sing something for sleep?"
(The voice is an exact match. If Boots spoke this language she'd sound like that.)
It should be obvious by the time he's done with the song. This song is magic and will make you feel like you just got a very restful night of sleep, he announces to everybody. I have so so much magic and I am using it to end slavery and the Bell is in charge of the world now.
And to the Bell - do you want a crown? Or something?
Your name has a 'bel' somewhere in it and you're a good person to put in charge of the world and I know because you're an alternate universe version of my sort-of mom.
Magic. I'm a demon, demons can make arbitrary stuff, arbitrary stuff includes 'a scale model of the alternate universe version of my mom in this universe and her surroundings' and that was this place so I came here.
Alternate universe versions of my mom can look a couple different ways, you look like the version of her named Aly. Alymbel, really, all the names have 'bel' in them.