Okay. Keep your heart rate down, Marillë. Yes, this is the Prince Curufinwe. Yes, he's the most genius Elf in all Aman. But he liked your paper, he asked you to be here. There's nothing to be nervous about.
She knocks on the door.
"Mostly well.
My sister came to see me at your father's house yesterday and met Tyelcormo."
"I want a read on how likely this is to end with them running off to get married in the woods."
"Good, because out of everyone I've ever met those two have far and away the least regard for what's socially acceptable."
"Sure. Ahyadacil is the person I love most in all of Arda. I'm just...concerned...when she essentially declares a flirtatious vengeance war on Tyelcormo."
"Take everything in his room and glue it to the ceiling in the exact same position it was relative to everything else before she got there?"
"Mostly I just wanted to warn you about potential sibling-related instability."