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Walta esper awakening & next steps w/Haru, but then it shifts to Esper Teddy

It's midnight. She's in a cheap apartment near Toronto. She's itchy. She pauses her typing on a somewhat beat-up old laptop to scratch at her arm idly, trying to hold her current project in her head. She sips a can of Sprite.

She's really itchy... Or not exactly itchy but something in that genre. She shivers all over. Is it cold in here or something? Something's wrong. Her fictional spaceship is forgotten on her laptop as she keeps scratching. Ugh... What the hell? 

"...Poison ivy?"

She doesn't remember stumbling into any plants. Or being sprayed with anything questionable. She feels too cold, and too - airy? She wants to wrap up in a blanket, so she does, pressing and squeezing her arms and legs together. It doesn't really help. It just gets worse instead.

She takes a hot shower instead. That helps... A little bit? Mostly where the water spray hits her. Relief there is - momentary, not really helping at all, but she still stands there, scratching at her legs and chest and shoulders and face even as the water hits against her back.

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The hot water runs out eventually. At this point she is pretty sure something is seriously wrong, so she clenches her teeth and digs her fingers into her sides as she stumbles through drying off and dressing and waking up her Mom and telling her she needs to go to the hospital, something's wrong

Emily Kenson, bless her heart, is at least going to believe her daughter when woken up at 1 AM and drive her to an urgent care, 8 AM shift start be damned. Wendy clings tight to the hug her mom offers but is eventually shifted to a car and pulls the seatbelt way too tight, which is very slightly relieving for some reason. She wriggles uncomfortably in the car the whole time and can't resist scratching at herself further. She's bleeding a bit in a couple places, and tries to avoid those. 


They get her a bed and call in an allergist and want to know if she has new sheets or anything. They take some blood. Can she please stop scratching, that's not good for any of the things it could be.


"No, same sheets as always. No new shampoo or soap, no new clothes, I didn't stumble into any weird plants or anything- Do you have a weighted blanket? Bandages? It's- I almost think pressure helps more than scratching?"

She's still scratching, kind of idly. She clasps her hands together to stop that, but then starts flexing slightly in the bed except when she focuses on just taking deep breaths instead.


They are happy to wrap her up in bandages, especially since it'll keep her fingernails away from her skin. They don't have a normal weighted blanket but can borrow one of the X-ray kind.


That's a little better. Enough better that she can sorta-mostly focus on taking deep breaths and worrying.


Eventually they exhaust enough of their guesses that they want to know if she thinks she might be having an esper awakening.


It certainly doesn't seem to be anything else.

Her mom dispenses hugs, which help a lot, for a few hours, and calls in sick for work, and hugs her more, and they talk. A lot.

That... No, surely that must be wrong. Isn't that really really rare? It doesn't happen to people like her? She barely got into a half-decent university with financial aid and loans, and espers are high-society rich-person stuff. It doesn't really make sense, doesn't hang together as a concept.

Her mom looks things up about espers. She's so excited. Her baby girl has a much brighter future than she could have imagined! And don't you dare go galivanting into dungeons or anything where you might die, and if you do be VERY SAFE. It's... A lot of feelings are produced, by that. It's - probably good, right? But on some level it feels like she's... Betraying something. She remembers reading that people who win the lottery end up fucked over a couple of years later, most of the time.

...More importantly, especially once her mom has to go get any actual sleep, so it's going to be like this for a WEEK? She's already exhausted, trying to squirm around under this blanket and bandages, holding herself stiff and still feeling intolerably floaty and not-quite-cold and not-quite-itchy. How is she going to sleep like this, the answer is she's not until she gets really exhausted or something changes.


Once they've decided it's probably an awakening they will go buy her a real weighted blanket. A really heavy one with chainmail inside.


But how much did it cost.

If she's an esper money probably isn't going to be a problem, even if it's something absurdly niche probably someone will pay for it, which is flat-out bizarre as a concept but sure.

She can exist very uncomfortably and sleep like this. She wants her laptop and queues up audiobooks on it.

Her dad biological father shows up on day five and tries to act all buddy-buddy. Offering hugs. No. Fuck you, dad, where were you two, five, eight years ago? Showing up for one or two days, randomly, and acting as if you still mean something when Mom works horribly long hours and does so much- What does she even see in you? She cusses at him until the hospital staff get rid of him. Her mom, who had invited him, tells her that was uncalled for. She cries.


She is certainly under no obligation to receive unwanted visitors!

Here are some brochures (and video presentations if she can't read right now) on various esper agencies and the services they offer.


Reading, see, would require moving her arms out from under this weighted blanket to hold media which would be horrible. She can just about manage bathroom breaks and eating by gritting her teeth and powering through and knowing it'll be done soon, but not for reading.

What are the definitely-super-prettied-up-for-marketing-and-full-of-BS videos saying?


An agent can connect you to opportunities and resources! They take only a tiny commission of dungeon bounties, materials auctions, or other esper-related income. You can interview many different agents and find one who clicks with YOU: do you want to stay up all night and be on call for emergency midnight dungeons? There's an agent for that. Do you want to do civilian construction? There's an agent for that. Do you need a partner? Your agent knows where all the mixers are, and can help guess who among those who don't show up to mixers might be compatible and arrange a test meet. Do you need a powers testing site? A marketing gig? A loan? A secret identity? Agents!



She'll schedule a few calls and try to feel out rough personalities. It's mostly gutfeel. Anyone who rubs her the wrong way, or sounds too Corporate, or fucks around the schedule at all, or talks too much about marketing, or just feels sketch, is gone.

The commission percentage thing is maybe a bit sketch. Incentivizes them to get her doing more profitmaking than might be ideal, maybe. What do various agents think about that?


Various agents think:

"In the long run, matching you with dungeons you're not suitable for just makes it harder for me to get dungeon clearances for any of my clients, and if I got you killed, half of them would drop me! Dungeons are a standard esper occupation but it's important to do them at a sustainable pace."

"Since you don't even know your powers yet, it's early to think about being over-dungeoned."

"You're certainly under no obligation to harvest dungeon materials while you're doing rescues, recon, monster coverage, or core-hunting, whichever aspect is most suited to you - if any. You don't even have to go through an agent to list materials at auction, you're just likelier to get ripped off if you don't."

"Ultimately, an agent likes me works for an esper, like you. If you turn out to be a prodigy who goes around taking down named dungeons, maybe 2-3% would be too high - the privilege of representing such a person would almost pay for itself - but a percentage of the dungeon bounty is the industry standard for the services we offer and it flexes gracefully with how much your other obligations, backlash management, and risk tolerance can handle."


The first one is the least sus. She kind of likes them. They listed actual incentives, whether or not those are... True. She'll look at reviews.

The second one is the most sus; She drops them.

Okay, well, she'll wait out the last couple days of this horrible horrible bleargh and get back to people.

(Honestly it's... Really easy to get pissed off when she feels like this. So. Probably a good metric for how she'll feel during the Bad Times as an actual esper, doing espery things. Whatever those are. Dungeons, apparently.)

(~I'll get back to you~, bleh.)


They are all excited to hear from her when she's out of the woods!


It really must be reiterated that feeling like something is wrong with your entire skin is really not fun. The super-heavy weighted blanket is lovely, it's her best friend, she will cherish it forever. The bandages are also very nice, tightly wrapping around her and satisfying that bone-deep urge to be squished as hard as possible. BUT the blanket doesn't weigh on her body EQUALLY. Her sides suffer in lonely despair when she lies on her back, and vice versa if she shifts to her side. Her muscles ache from being tense and lying down for a week straight. Massages would maybe be AMAZING like this or maybe they would just be horrible everywhere she's NOT being massaged. Anyway, the nurses quite reasonably have more important stuff to be doing. And finally- Her head is almost never under adequate contact and pressure. Her eyeballs itch. The inside of her mouth and nose itch. It doesn't go away. It can only be endured.




She doesn't get back to people right away when it finally, finally ends. She goes home. She finishes the chapter of her sci-fi story and posts it and VALIANTLY RESISTS the URGE to tell her ONLINE FRIENDS that she's an ESPER AAAAA WTF. And also resists the urge to poke at the shiny shiny powers. Mostly. She feels herself doing something by reflex when she trips on a stair and stumbles. Her hand shoots out and she doesn't even actually fall, it's like she shoved the stairs away from her, but they're a whole building, so by equal and opposite reaction it just put her upright again...

And she can feel the itch. Oh so very subtle, but definitely there if she stops and thinks about it. So she doesn't. She googles esper things a whole lot. She accepts her mom's hugs and reassurances that everything is going to be okay.

She tells various agents who haven't gotten the boot from her yet (god, there's so many of them, analysis paralysis is HERE), that her powers feel defensive and also kinetic. She accidentally saved herself from a trip and is NOT doing any more of that until she finds someone for... Guiding.

Hello hello, she texts agenty people, how do you do that? Google says there are events?


There are! She promptly has invitations to events in all the nearby cities. (Dungeons concentrate in cities, so dungeoneers concentrate in cities, so anyone who wants partners concentrates in cities.)


It's looking a lot like college might not happen. Travelling all around the everywhere with savings earmarked for college is... Acceptable, according to mother. And preferable to getting a loan about it.

She shows up to an event and feels pretty awkward and hesitant about the whole thing.


"Hi there, welcome to the Maple Esper Agency mixer! Can I get you a nametag?"


"...'M Wendy."


"Just Wendy?" asks the receptionist, writing that down.


Is that weird? Just one name? Or is it weird and formal to use your full name or is she overthinking it- This is an event. It's not 'casual'. She doesn't feel right. But, like, she could always just leave. She takes a bit of a deep breath and hopes she doesn't look too weird.

"Just Wendy, yeah."


Here is a nametag that says WENDY. "Here you go! Help yourself to the hors d'oeuvres and don't be shy about shaking hands, that's what all the espers here are here for!"

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