Eclipse Bell in Arda
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Permalink might have to check how I'd say it if you weren't kissing me -


If she were to stop kissing her then -


Then she would be coherent enough to explain! Most people who are upset about this are upset because it's - upsetting in its own right, or because it's hurting people, or because it's a loss for a cause they're a champion of, and 'is this true, looks like nope, let's get the truth out there' - plus some indignation for people who were hurt pointlessly by lies - is just such a nice reaction to the whole mess -


Bounce. I mean, I'd want it handled less stupidly even if I did in fact think awful fates befell dead human infants and fetuses, but thank you. Kiss.


If that were happening we'd be diverting most of our resources to stopping it. But yes, not by making angry videos on the internet - kiss - not saying we shouldn't talk politics while kissing, I'm fairly incorrigible about that, but we should talk about nicer politics -


Like what?


Dunno. Where to spend all our excess money from the London portal?


You've taken very readily to the concept of money.


To a first approximation it's a number for how much power I have on Earth, and I can make it go up by being clever and expend it to fix things! It really suits my competitive instincts! 


You're adorable. What things are tempting you to buy them?


Disease eradication - getting the last hundred cases is nowhere near as efficient as getting millions when they're more widespread, but it's so satisfying - incentives for more mages to learn de-aging...


Eradication does allow relaxing infrastructure previously dealing with the disease - eventually cutting out the vaccination program, say - and it means it won't mutate and get suddenly worse - so it's not solely a matter of being more satisfying -


But it is satisfying! Terrifically so, I'm sure it biases me.


Probably. It is not the worst bias you could have. Subsidizing de-aging is a good one, that'll keep paying off indefinitely as long as the mages don't take up motorcycling.


Can magery do invulnerability? 


Piecemeal and it's a major calorie suck to sustain but yes.


Are there ever breakthroughs on efficiency - ways to do a thing that is already knowably doable, but better -


Some people are better at a thing than others depending on what about it makes particular sense to them - it was unusual for me to get the hang of talking to Alex as fast as I did, say, I knew someone in school who had very good metabolic handling of teekay relative to other telekinetics - but not by like orders of magnitude.





And when they are liable to get noticed kissing she goes off to gently suggest to the Elves that they ask the Valar about human babies, and predictably the Valar ask Eru what happens to human babies, and Eru explains that the human afterlife is Inherently Mysterious.


This does not totally douse the firestorm but it is nonetheless widely shared.


Thank you, lovely.

Has it even occurred to any of these people that human babies sometimes die for other reasons -


I will point that out, too. It might get them to tone down their language, but - the likely reaction is 'well, that's horrible, let's reduce infant mortality as fast as possible and stopping abortions is a good way to do that'...


It's a contentious way to do that - when do they think souls come into play anyway, thirty or forty percent of fertilized eggs spontaneously abort -


I'm not sure if it's a good idea or a bad idea to tell them that -


Who's steering them, I can precog it and see what happens, if it's "they switch to a two-pronged approach between pushing birth control and magically assisted stable conception encouragement" they go from traumatizing to eccentric.


So she points Isabella at the most active abortion doomsayers.

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