"Divination has a zeroth rank! It is the chat app in your head. Text voice video, block people if you want, very handy. Costs nothing. Old-school witches sometimes still put it through a magic mirror or crystal ball but these days everyone has always wanted a phone in the brain. Once you buy ranks - never forget people's names at a party again, point and say 'identify' and know who they are and some public fact to go with. So-and-so captain of rugby team, such-and-such queen of location, etcetera. Also good for field guiding plants and things, indispensable if you go mushrooming. At rank two also starts telling you magical facts. Essential if you go mushrooming in the Feywilds. Status spell keeps you updated if your friend is hurt or your toast is burning. Augury gives you a good or bad or meh feeling about something you might do in half an hour or less than that.
"Rank three, convenience bonuses for identifying, like everybody has a nametag for you all the time without you needing chanting. Status more specific also. Map app in the brain, like a video game keeps the map of wherever you go, place markers in your map. Archive is witch for photo app in your head, also manages inventory if you have extradimensional space. Augury goes up to twelve hours. Foresight is half a second precog, mostly useful for fights. Rank four, identify can doxx people! Status gains a Clippy telling you how to fix it if you can, if your toast or your person is burning. Map more convenient and backgroundy, works on places you went before you got this magic, automatically identifies all the things on the map. Spell to hit things you aim at like a homing pigeon, Archive starts working without needing your eyes on the thing you want photo'd, Augury two days long, Foresight does one and a half seconds or a simulation that doesn't know anything you don't for an hour. Rank five doxxes True Names and weaknesses, traces magic effects to casters, checks if people like you or not. Status gets spookier, less about 'is burning' and more 'having affair with the postman' or something. Maps update live like you had the Google truck there taking pictures all the time, unless masked; masking also becomes a thing you do at this rank. Archive works through maps, locking on to targets works through maps. Augury all week long, and longer if the thing is very bad. Three second foresight or 24 hours of simulation, and it glitches informatively if you will be surprised."