a guide to fairies entering the service of some other fairies
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My father thinks if I were a nicer person you'd teach him magic.


"I don't know if 'nicer' is the right operationalization.

For whatever it's worth I'm not sure I've ever met the right sort of person."


How many people have you met?


"Not many. And not a well filtered set. But still."


I've met a lot of people. I might've met the right one. I could introduce you.


"If you like."


I'd need more of an explanation than my father has.


"I don't really have one. And I'd be worried about someone faking it, anyway, even though your species effectively can't lie."


"I don't suppose you know anyone with a well-documented history of doing their own comfortable prisoner resettling project."


I don't know anyone with the resources. Some courts take people in when there's no clear benefit for them, but individually.


"And that could mean lots of things."


Yes, exactly. I think probably there are lots of people trying to run their courts in a way that produces wellbeing for its members and people who aren't its members, but I don't think that'd look very dramatic in most cases.


"It might not, yeah."


And honestly it might even look like hostility to interloping leaflets, if you had too many people who were your responsibility and weren't confident you had a safe route to do right by one of a new species.

You couldn't even necessarily disqualify courts that take humans, though it wouldn't be a bad first pass.


"Why wouldn't you disqualify courts that take humans?"


So, taking humans is broadly very bad for them. They mostly don't live very long. But being a human is also very bad, and some humans come to fairy rings - pursued by enemy soldiers who mean to slaughter them on the spot, say, or escaping an owner who mistreats them, or cast out by their community and starving - 

- and I suspect I'd take one, if that happened around here, some time when we had enough food for them, and see if whatever else makes their lives short is solvable.


"I guess that makes sense. The one human I've met wasn't in such straits."


I think that much trouble cannot possibly be typical of humans though plausibly the ones who seek out fairy rings are unusually likely to be in very bad trouble, bad enough for it to seem a reasonable chance to take. Other people just wander in and I think usually they want nothing more than to wander back out.


"Do they usually know about the rings and that it's risky?"


In some places there are fairly accurate stories and in other places there are less accurate stories. Around the place where fairies started and have been around a long time even as humans count it, I think the stories are pretty good. Everyone knows not to give a fairy your name, and not to eat their food, and that talking to them is dangerous if not what exactly is dangerous about it. Out here on this continent I think there are some stories but they're less universal.


"You don't look all that different from humans."


Yes, but we wear different clothes and we are found in the forest and the whole world goes still when you meet us, I wouldn't expect us to be often confused with them. Maybe some people meet fairies and think they've just run into odd neighbors.


"Fair enough."


I've only seen humans from a distance or while slowed, and not recently. I don't really know much about them.

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