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fate meets ellie
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Off they go, then.


Sovngarde is practically pastoral, mountains and rolling tundra plains shrouded in mist, a stone castle soaring over the fields...

No dragon in sight, yet.


"Nice place," Elatra says, looking around. "Suppose we'd best take the chance to begin setting up."


Meridia seems to be trying to find flat-ish, stable ground for setting up, searching rather quickly then ripping open jagged rainbow portals to drag something made of dark metal through.


If they've got some time, Elatra will begin setting out some wards around the spot to add to the Keres' protection.


Mora sets up her ritual and starts chanting. This is mostly prep work, but...


And then a roar shakes the horizon.


Ah. Showtime.


Hisame's secondary body has the same good reflexes of her primary. She soars, Susano active and spectral bow drawn, arrow of black fire arcing towards Alduin.

He's massive, larger than mountains - but Hisame's fought monsters as large.

Alduin roars, shattering her arrow - which turns into a wall, tendrils wrapping around him.

He's not injured, not yet, but the persistent fire is doing a pretty good job of distracting him.


Elatra and Eliana begin their combination. She seeks to use the initial rush to cut into the beast's hide so she can get at his blood.


He doesn't seem to have any, nor any sort of conventional anatomy.

Glint summons ranged daedra like her flame atronach alongside assorted fliers to harass Alduin, and then starts shooting him with powerful blasts with a randomized effect. She also starts a blood rain for Eliana.


She'll have to make do with external effects. Hope Alduin likes having to deal with his wings perpetually icing over while being struck by lightning.


Along with as many of the strongest curses as she can cast.


Mora's bolstering them dramatically, and countering many of the more exotic effects he flings around as Hisame throws bombs and black holes and ever burning flame at him.

He roars, and meteors streak down from the sky.


A pair of ghosts appear suddenly in the air, flitting between meteors. Each one they appear at abruptly reverses direction, rocketing back into the sky.


Another roar causes the ground to buckle, and an exhausting mist to begin to close in.

He mostly seems annoyed by them, his attention more on the gods present.


Well, if he wants a god...

Ellayania's avatar rises into the air with her own Susano, each hand holding a clone of her. She throws the clones at Alduin, and in midair they multiply, assaulting Alduin with a variety of chakra techniques. Any that land on the dragon begin extruding a variety of corrosive, poisonous, and debilitating substances.


"Annoying little fleas!" he roars, shaking himself and diving down towards where Meridia's still swiftly setting up.


The two ghosts who were dealing with the meteors appear in front of his snout. One gives him a tap, and his velocity is suddenly exactly reversed.


He makes a strangled sound, flares his wings to slow down, says a few words, and breathes a thick mist at the ghosts.


This does make them hard to see.


And meanwhile, the attacks from other quarters continue.


It was supposed to steal their souls except for how apparently they aren't actual ghosts.

Alduin is increasingly grouchy, but still not wounded.

Mist starts to seep up from the ground as he roars, over and over.


" - There's something weird with the mist!" Mora calls, catching her breath between rituals.


Eliana conjures a handful of whirlwinds to whip around and clear the air.

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