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fate meets ellie
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"I'm quite confident. Of course, you're attractive all the time."


Heh. "Let's go find us a dragon."

She nods to Glint. "Thank you for the opportunity here."


"Oh, it's no problem at all. Have fun!"


The Keres takes over Hisame-flying duties, and off they go.


They're able to spot a dragon pretty quickly, lounging on the top of a mountain near some ruins. He's certainly larger than them, but not sized like something out of myth, with a head about the size of one of their torsos. He snarls at them as they approach, flaring his wings and roaring something in a language they don't know before taking off, circling the mountain and then turning to charge them.

Hisame laughs and meets his blast of fire with her own Amaterasu. (He seems to be saying something as he roars. Still in that unknown language, though.)

He's a bit of a mottled brown, jagged with horns - not especially lovely, all things considered.


"I hope we can find a nicer-looking one. But I wonder what it's saying."


"Well, stealing souls gets me my target's knowledge, so I could try that and then we could just off-load the parts on Glint. Maybe someone wants very ugly armor. It could be an aesthetic."


"As long as I don't have to participate in the aesthetic."


"Of course."

"I'll need to touch the dragon to steal its soul. Cover me?"


"Of course." She summons two fliers that split off to harass the dragon from behind, and another ghost to project a shimmering energy field in front of Hisame.


The dragon snaps at the fliers but seems to recognize that Hisame and the Keres are the greater threats.

"Thank you, darling."

It's safer to maneuver under her own power, so she activates her Susano to take over her flight, darting forward with a loud crack. The dragon's unable to injure her, and Hisame dismisses the Susano only long enough to land on the dragon's back where it'll be unable to bite her. Her Rinnegan gleams as she kneels down, tapping the dragon's neck -

A rush of colored light, far greater than the last time Hisame tried this against a human, surges from the dragon and spins into Hisame. The dragon plummets, dead, and Hisame only reflexively catches herself, Susano unfolding around her and wings flaring.

"...Next time we should maybe force the dragon to land, first," she says.


"...Yes. That is a good idea."


She laughs. "Tear up the wings, maybe. Let's land, though, I need to sort through all this."


Down to the ground, next to the dragon's corpse.


"Got their language. Apparently the language itself is magic - speaking it causes effects. The dragon was literally shouting 'fire' at us. They need to understand the word fundamentally to use it as magic, but I got his understanding, too."


"Oh, isn't that interesting."


"It will definitely be fun! He didn't know all the words, but he's fought Alduin before - lost quickly, but I think between him and the other dragons we can put together a better idea of what Alduin can even do."


The Keres smiles fondly. "Multipupose dragon hunting."


"Exactly. And they're less disorienting to steal the souls of than humans, so I should be able to collect plenty."


"Let's go find the next one."


"Hopefully a pretty one."


"Maybe something in green."


"Of course, darling."

And if they make good on their intent to kill a significant portion of Tamriel's dragons (which are mostly in Skyrim in the north but have somewhat spread south), they'll have their pick of colors, patterns, glossiness... There's some rather gorgeous greens, some with varying levels of iridescence or metallic accents on the edges of their scales.

Hisame finds a dragon with shimmering, bloody red scales to keep for processing - dragons are big, so she's figuring they can just tell Glint where they left the other de-souled bodies.


The Keres claims one with dark green scales and a finish that seems reluctant to let the light bounce off it. And she can store the bodies in a pocket dimension.


That does seem like it simplifies things, yes. Wouldn't want to make too much work for the others.

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