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"Well. That's horrible - 


- that's really really horrible - 


- who's doing it, what if they go after my planets, how do I stop them -"


"I don't know. I have no information, no history of anything like this. All the attacks have been Imperial targets, all in the same three sectors, all relatively lightly populated but there's no pattern beyond that, no warning signs, no suspicious transmissions immediately prior, nothing."


...he starts conjuring. Ships in that system during the relevant time period?


He only gets ones that are normally expected to be there.


...scale models of any of the people on any of the missing planets? Scale models of the weapons that inflicted those mysterious injuries?


Conjuring for the weapons gets him nothing.

Many of the people are dead, bearing the same furious animalistic gouges as the Imperial recon team. The ones that yet live look wrong, corrupted and twisted, like a more extreme version of what happened to him when Occlus tested the lifebinding technique. Their faces bear expressions that are frightfully to look upon, misshapen rictuses caught somewhere between abject terror and frothing rage.


- surroundings of the people who are still alive -


Doesn't go.


They don't have surroundings? He casts a broader net - scale model of the thousand miles around them -


Still nothing.


Those people are suffering - 


- nearest star to them?


An undistinguished red dwarf.


Nearest five stars to them -


Here they are.


"Can you triangulate off these..."


"Yeah, just a sec-"

Spectrographic data, astromap, computer stuff. Here's the location.


...invisible, inaudible, and  - pop.


These ships are not like any ships he has seen before. They look biological, almost. Tentacle-like extrusions grasp and seem to writhe, pulsing red and black in an unsettling pattern. They sit dormant for now, drifting silently in the vast abyssal gulf between the stars.

These ships are terrifying.


...like, mind-affecting terrifying, he can notice it's doing that to him even while it totally works and he's totally terrified and he pops a lot farther away. 



Aaaaaaaaah - mind-affecting magic, mind-affecting magic, he shouldn't be scared - he makes himself headphones and plays a calming song on it, maybe they'll cancel - 


The ships are still scary. His pulse races, breath quickens-


Aaaaaaah - wait, he can control his heartrate -




Huh. So the magics must be mind-controlling him on different levels. He works at it until he's stable.


Just when he's almost got himself back to normal, the effect reintensifies. The calm induced by the song playing in his ears begins to dissolve. A ghostly chorus whispers in the back of his mind:

You cannot resist us, little demon. Sanity is a prison. Let madness release you.







He can try teleporting the people out of the horrible ships from here.


It's really getting kind of hard to think around all this fear. Has he considered running away because running away sounds like a really really good idea or alternatively just killing everything around him that seems also likely to make him safe safety would be a good thing this place is not safe this place is terrifying-





He will run a couple million miles away and leave a camera where he was so he has a good view.

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