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The Hutts have been provided with ample incentive.

The galaxy is mostly quiet. The war has died down to a low simmer again. A few more planets defect and join the confederacy.


Good. He makes them goodies. He goes ten billion lightyears away and makes elaborate prison labyrinths for nonlethal Sith containment. He makes a nice habitable planet for housing them all if removing all the Sith becomes necessary. Terraforming is slow and relaxing. He reads about computers while he does it.


A couple months into that, Cipher Nine writes him a note.

Good news: the Hutts have decided to fess up about isotope-5. Bad news: a planet is collapsing.



-what? Which one, where -


"Makeb. Where all the isotope-5 is coming from. Turns out removing the gravity-warping substance from where it was formed is having adverse effects on the structures that grew up around it."


"They could've just asked me to make it. I can probably go over and put it back."


"The space where it used to be in the crust is kind of- not there any more. Hence the descriptor 'collapsing'."


"Do people live there?"


"Yeah. Not many. Maybe thirty thousand?"


"So maybe I should move them off?"


"Yeah. They've already moved to one city all together, so you should be able to just pick the whole thing up and get everyone."


"Okay." He goes over there and checks for stragglers outside the one city.


Do they have an opinion about where they wish to be relocated?


Somewhere the ground beneath their feet isn't going to cave in without warning would be nice.


Yes, but most planets meet that criterion.


The Hutt in charge locally actually already has lined up a deal with one of his siblings to give them a place on his planet. The name and location is provided.


Cool. And after a minute conjuring to make sure it'll work, pop, everyone is there, he hopes they have learned a lesson about sustainable mining practices and asking demons for stuff if you want it.


Yes, yes, lesson learned.


...Speaking of which. Can he make them more isotope-5?


Yes, yes, he can, because he is a demon and they're not starting any wars and they're even pretty much good on the whole freedom-of-movement thing.



Here are the schematics for the storage containers, here are some warehouses.


Here is the nice stuff, planets that play by his rules get so rich, don't the Empire and the Republic want in on this?


...Yes. Yes they do.

But the Sith do not want it more than they want to continue fighting, and thus the Empire will not make peace. And the Republic still won't unilaterally disengage.





Whenever Cipher Nine is awake he practices programming and learns computer security; whenever she is asleep he goes to his planets and fills their warehouses and builds homeless people housing and someone who was pregnant and miscarried wants to know if there's anything he can do and he can, in fact, put back the embryo exactly as it was if it's before a certain stage of development, does she want that? And then word gets out he can do that and lots of people want that. And someone wants to know if he can save their dying sister and he can, actually, healing spell, and then lots of people want that and he has to tell them to mostly stick to the medical system and just call him in for desperate cases only this often means he doesn't get there in time and it's kind of discouraging.


And people keep asking about resurrection, he doesn't know why, he's said he doesn't have resurrection. 


He makes himself a really really pretty place on his planetoid to flop when he feels like he is going to explode. 


After a few weeks more of this he goes to talk with his alt's holocron. It is - not productive. Darth Fienus cannot see why Epic is bothering. Epic is bothering because Boots'll be so proud of him. He tries to explain that. Darth Fienus says that he only cares what Boots thinks because he hasn't accomplished anything interesting with his life. Epic is pretty sure he'll care what Boots thinks even once he is super duper accomplished, and says so. Darth Fienus thinks this obsession with making Boots happy means he won't accomplish anything interesting.

Epic goes and practices teleporting uninhabited planets around in case he ever needs to move one. He doesn't come back until Cipher calls him.


The galaxy is quiet. Oddly so.

Suspiciously, even. The Empire pulls troops back on several fronts that should have been winnable, effectively abandoning them. Cipher Nine digs deeper. She finds a worrying story. Imperial systems have been dropping out of contact for no discernible reason, just... vanishing. All Holonet traffic ceasing, with no record of why. Flybys show planets completely deserted, all inhabitants gone. Minimal signs of battle, but the terrain in formerly-populated areas is twisted, warped.

On one of the first such discovered, the recon team made a landing. Their transmissions were cut off shortly after they started their descent, victim to whatever phenomenon blocked them in the first place. Sixteen hours after they were scheduled to make their report, another ship was dispatched to see what had gone wrong. They found a smoking crater where the first ship was to have landed. Detailed scans of the area revealed the recon team's bodies, all bearing grievous wounds as if from some animal. No further landings were attempted.

The rate of occurance is slow, one system every two weeks or so. It's been some months since it became an obtrusive enough pattern that it rose to Cipher Nine's attention. There must be a new player on the board, one she has somehow missed. She makes a thorough investigation of all her records, sources, and collected information, but can find no hints.

She calls Epic and lays out the situation.

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