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Malgus is doing some redecorating, working off a general theme of 'smoldering ruins'.


If that's how he likes the place. He will make a point of putting anyone else he teleports somewhere else. He sits down on a smouldering ruin and makes himself a telescope and starts making another planetoid a couple hundred million miles away.


Malgus notes his arrival, and bends his course of destruction back around.

"Why," he growls, "am I here."


"I didn't want to kill you? I will if you really want me to but I told you, I don't like killing people. So I made it look to everyone in the room like I'd killed you and instead I teleported you to another galaxy."


"A weakling and a coward. Send me back, or kill me now. I will not be caged."


"It ...looks like you have the means to kill yourself? Am I wrong, is that not a thing the Force can do."


"No stomach to do the deed yourself, boy? You sicken me. To hold such power and be unwilling to wield it fully."


"No, I mean, if you want to be dead, you can be dead, and if you don't want to be dead, you can be alive, and you being able to decide that just seems like it has less errors than me deciding that. And I'm wielding my power fully to do the stuff I want."


"Your lack of vision is pathetic. And I tire of your puerile moralizing screed. Leave me or kill me." He puts the weight of the Force behind the last statement.


He notices. He doesn't have to do what this guy wants. 

But there's no reason not to, either. "Okay. Bye. I'll drop off food every once in a while."





Occlus has another design iteration she'd like to see a model for.


Can do.


And didn't the Cipher say something about calling her once it was done?


Oh. Right.



He gives her a call.


"Impressive! Good job, it was very believable."


"Thank you."


"I mean, I'm assuming you didn't actually kill him?"


"No, he's on a planetoid far away blowing stuff up. He asked me to kill him but I don't think he preferred to be dead, exactly."


"Death by an enemy's hand is preferable to captivity or suicide, though given enough of the former and left with the means to do so, he will turn to the latter eventually."


"That's a strange set of preferences. I - I don't really want to kill him even if he wants me to do that, but if it's really actually what he wants -"


Occlus shrugs.


"If I gave him a bigger planet would that help any?"


"I think it is more the lack of opportunity to exert his will upon lesser beings than it is the size of his prison."


"We could make a theme park for kinky Space Elves once the peal finds us, I guess. Are they all going to be like that?"


"Only the most obstinately indoctrinated. Which is not an insignificant fraction of the total."

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