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"Oh, good. That would make me feel much safer."


"Great. You two've got," she glances at something out of the range of the display, "two hours, give or take, before the ground assault. Whenever you're ready. Call me when you're done."

She ends the call.


Bounce bounce - 


Calm, calm, and intensely aware of his own mind and which of the thoughts there are his - 


He watches the video feed.

"Okay. Let's go."


"Where are you planning to put him? Your other planetoid?"


"Yeah. I could find a habitable planet, if that's better for some reason."


"That will work, but you might need a more scalable solution eventually. Something to consider afterwards."


Nod. He waits for a good moment on the video, and then -



Here is the throne room, cavernous and echoey, almost as chill as the vacuum outside. At the top of the stairs, the hulkingly massive chair sits with its back towards the center of the room, its occupant presumably staring out through the enormous transparisteel plates that provide a breathtaking view of the stars, bright hard points of light against the ebon backdrop, and the ice-white planet below.

Slowly, slowly, the chair turns to face the intruders.


"I am here to offer you the chance to surrender," he says. He tries not to sound like he's six or seven but that's pretty much a lost cause.


The man in the chair is the same one from the holo broadcast. His red eyes are sunken deep into his face, and this close, there is a palpable sense of strength, like he could snap everyone in half like a twig, if he so chose.

"Are you?" he asks, quietly. His breath rasps loudly through his respirator. "Have my enemies already become so desparate, that they would send a child against an Emperor?"


"You haven't even met my people, and we are the enemies of war but we do not have to be enemies of yours. They sent me because sending anyone older would honestly be unfair. I don't really want to kill you but there will be no more wars in this galaxy and no more senseless deaths of innocent people."


"Naive. And foolish. War is eternal. The crucible by which our strength is measured and refined. Twenty years I sat idle. No longer."


"I don't want you to sit idle. I want you to grow differently. We spread peace across worlds, we spread invention across worlds, we spread opportunity across worlds, fast and graceful and clean, a thousand coups accomplished without violence. You have choices other than 'sit at home' and 'order people to kill each other'."


"Peace is a lie, boy. The Sith were born to war. To deny that is to deny the truth of what I am."


"Then I deny the truth of what you are but I still don't want to kill you."



Malgus stands abruptly, and sweeps a crushing wall of force at Epic.


He teleports forward a bit at a time so it looks like he's entirely still. "You could preside over a galaxy at peace."


"I do not want to rule, only to conquer."

On the word conquer, he leaps to where Epic is standing, lightsaber raised above his head and coming down in a mighty overhand slash.


He lets him do that. The lightsaber only leaves a very shallow cut, but it slices through his hair. He glares at him and teleports the cut hair away and puts his braid back properly.

"Are you done?"


Probably not, going by the way he launches a barrage of blows.


Teleport-to-planetoid-and-make-a-body-simultaneously, just like he practiced, his heart is racing so much that time seems to have slowed down anyway.


He heals himself. He puts his hair back again. He considers singing for the dead person and decides that might be a bit much.



Well done. Let us leave this place.


Pop. Home.


And he makes himself a big fuzzy blanket and wraps his wings around himself and curls up on the ground.



His emotional turmoil is very distinctly not a thing she wants to get involved with. Not until she has a pressing need for something and he's still catatonic.

Back to work on the new archives.



He goes outside. He sings. It is not the song for if someone died; it is just a song for 'everyone is stupid'. He practices his exercises from the books.



...and he heads over to the planetoid in the other galaxy.

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