It's not like Fëanor's dead-dead, it only makes sense to talk about him like he's alive because he's still around to kick up a fuss, surely? Even if he's irretrievably in the Halls... Ah well.
<Yeah, that was - A humorous turn of phrase, it's not, like, theologically forbidden or anything I just don't like the idea unless I'm literally trying to put my entire soul into something else that better suits me. Should such a thing exist. Leaving bits and pieces lying around just seems... Strange. ...Even most of the practitioners that have stuff to do with souls in my homeworld, at least the ones that aren't - effectively analogous to Morgoth cultists - would find that - odd. A soul is meant to be the whole of you. Though perhaps if it was Spirit... Hmm. Have to think about that one, actually.>
<And as far as... I mean, the thing is that I'm not from here and I don't rightly know if my rules still hold, besides my magic obviously still working to some extent, but - no, the Valar Are, they aren't λ, I should think - even if they're extremely Light-stubborn.>
<The nature of Void is that it is - pure concept, unbound by physicality. The Valar were made. They were made real. I suppose that knocks the question up a level to whether Eru could ever have been other than how he is, in creating this world... But even so, I don't... Think... That that's...>
<How to put this...>
<If Eru Illuvatar was a creature of λ I would be vastly surprised. To λ-be is to be irreal and yet still exist because you simply cannot care that the Light of reality finds you impossible to reconcile with itself.>
<And yet Eru Illuvatar is all but synonymous with the Song.>
<And not in the way that Cneph advised Harumaph... But that is another myth besides, and one I am not sure I could retell and tell true to the story as it was told to me.>
<...To force one's will upon Middle-Earth...>
<...Dear gods, didn't that sink a continent? But the worst part is that to live is somewhat to force one's will upon the world, this I cannot refute ->
<But if anything, Void magic is the exact converse of 'attempting to force your will upon the world', because it is 'inviting into the real world a - reflection of what you seek'. Being stubborn enough to shift reality into a more desirable shape is more a feat of Light-work than Void.>
<Leaving aside that the Fall of Eregion was more of a shamanic disaster than anything else, paradigmatically, if you put what little I know of it - that it resulted in the loss of a continent from assumedly the world revolting, not the rendering-a-disaster-area of a continent from a force left to run riot - through the lens of my understanding of my magic. Or, well, maybe the Valar did it, which... Still isn't not a shamanic disaster, albeit for different reasons... I vaguely recall that at some point somebody smacked a large landmass into something hostile like the world's most overpowered flyswatter, but that is - stretching the limits of my knowledge. That might have been Mordor, actually; I don't know.>
Right. Anyway. Time for some pyromancy. Not her favorite field, certainly not her preferred combat magic - she favors, in the terms of a game she isn't playing, Frost and Arcane - but she can handle fire, when something needs to be at melting temperature. She just needs to have the runes ready to etch once she's cast the template...