<Really it's not so much the metal as what I'm going to do with it, although my brain is throwing up the bit where - I think brass commonly has arsenic in it and arsenic is bad for you? So - not iron either, iron rusts especially without additives I don't know how to isolate or replicate and who knows what Mordor could do to it if I end up there - silver? Silver seems fine. ...Don't know much about tin. Pure copper actually produces a protective tarnish at least when it's just saltwater and not, like, acid rain - oh that might be a problem, Mordor is horribly industrialized, ecologically, I should absolutely make something for Frodo and Sam just to take that problem off their chest, a Decanter of Infinite Water is practically a party trick, but then - Mordor, and the fucking Eye and I don't know how good hobbit sneakiness is when it comes to - but veils - one project at a time Alicia and I'm going to have to see if anyone around here can - but then there's the fucking backdoor ->
<Anyway the trick to doing that, is that I'm not doing that, not myself, I'm - giving the universe a fill-in-the-blank problem and letting it naturally arise from - the harmony of the Song, to put it in your terms?>
<...I don't expect Fëanor could do the thing I'm planning on doing, but that's because from my perspective he's already shown profound aptitude in doing the exact opposite approach, of - immersing himself in the Song like a boulder in a river, a power I have no hope in mastering - beyond the lightest touch of it I can muster for - legacy reasons; with his making of the Silmarils, he's - He really is an unparalleled genius, and if anything I think that was his tragic flaw, compounded by - well, the Valar have made some questionable decisions in their time like inventing kings, if I recall correctly, and that really didn't help - and why am I saying this to you of all people, you who were there for too much of that tragedy when I am just this upstart outsider who doesn't even have the decency to be an Elf ->
With a Herculean effort, she wrenches her train of thought around by main force.
<I say too much of what little I know, or think I do, and... I would apologize, should I have offended. But I certainly believe that Fëanor could have done something similar by entirely divergent means. And that is not what we're here to do, regardless, so - silver would definitely work for the enchantment's functional surface; I don't think it tarnishes in a particularly destructive way...>