Cynthia in Galatea
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Cynthia goes bright red. "Ah haul I mean damn I mean uhm... I can't speak, I am HORRIBLE at it. I already got picked up for saying that earlier and I've been here half a day."

A shy smile and a small stop on the walk. "Pleeeease don't tell."




"I only recently found out that's profane, soooorry." She puts her hands in prayer and begs with them, reiterating her request not to tell anyone.


"It's. Not profane? 'Metamancer' is profane. Did you not know...?"


Picture a set of gears, none of them connected, with but one spinning wildly. The spinner manages to fly off it's axis and hit another gear, making it begin to turn slowly. That is Cynthia's brain right now.

Back in realspace, a short pause followed by a "Oooooh. Okay. That's why today happened... Why is it profane? It's a term. Should I just start calling them like, magical tri-sexuals?"

It takes her a second to clue into her stupid rambling. "Right. Thanks."


"It's... profane because metamancers are evil and influenced by the evil god and might corrupt you. You don't really talk about them, because it's taboo. Whhhhere did you live all your life that you never picked up on that...?"


"Nonononono. If I can't use the word 'm-e-t-a-m-...-ancer', what do people use? Vinkarites is kinda okay but non-mages could still worship him if they really didn't like puppies. I mean, magical trisexual works..." Cynthia facepalms. "But again, people can be trisexual without magic. Uhm..."


"They don't use anything, is what I'm saying. People don't talk about them. There's no reason to talk about them because you'll never meet one and they'll never use magic around you and if they do you should run away screaming. That's the idea, anyway."


In an entirely sarcastic over-the-top voice, "Oh, no, over there, it is a magical trisexual attacking me! Please, send help, and inform them as to the assailant's powers!"


"Well in that case you'd probably use the word, the situation would warrant it. But you don't usually—ask for a meta's help in whatever you're doing. Your case seems like it could use an enchanter, saying you need a meta is just asking for trouble."


"I didn't ask! I Just said it'd be convenient to have a person with magic-sight-- Wait, I didn't even get that far. I just said I'd happily take the next death's row meta-- uhm, trisexu-- PERSON there and save everyone the trouble!"

Sigh. "But I got to the word and then everybody got mad. Then they see me fly around and they get mad. I just can't get it."

Blink blink. "Sorry, door-thing? Walk? I don't know." Cynthia doesn't sound too happy.


"Using magic in public is also not seen as very nice," she explains. "You should only do it when there aren't other people around. And I mostly wanted to walk so we wouldn't be surrounded by other people while you explained whatever it was. It really is just a door?"


"Well, it's big, there's stuff behind it, and I can't open it." Cynthia sounds like she feels a bit better when the topic shifts. "I have no clue what the symbols mean, and uhm, did I mention that it's like a really far way underground? I made tunnels. Oh, and a sketch." She retrieves the sketch of the door from her backpack (taking it off for a moment in the process) and hands it over.

Probably could like, sell the tunnels for materials or storage or whatever so I can afford more stuff...


Kaede looks. "I'm Kaede, by the way," she introduces. "And no idea what these symbols are."


"Oh. Pretty name, Kaede. I'm Cynthia... But you already knew that, right... No idea on the symbols over here. Wait, I said that too."


"Yeah. So you can fly, then?"


Blank look. "I'm an Elementalist monosexual-- mage. Elementalist mage."

She shakes her head of the stupid speaking, then smiles as she continues. "Yup, I can fly. I prefer it to walking! Even kinda 'bought' this backpack from the Guild." She flops out a wing of the hang glider part, making sure not to hit anyone with it. "Kinda bothers me that people think it shouldn't be done in public, it makes finding shops sooo much easier."


"It does, but such are the ways of the people."


"I sit in tunnels and look for ruins... Have I said I'm not quite a good people person?" Laughter.


"I'm very much a people person. And people don't like it when you do magic in public, so I don't. And they don't like metamancers, so I don't talk about them."


"I try not to, but when you've been gone for a while and have been using it all the time... What kind of mage are you?"


"I can do enchanting," she says. It's technically true.


Well, Cynthia is none the wiser. "Ah, alright. Sounds good! I'm good to go back now, or whenever, or whatever."


"It's kinda late. How far is it?"

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