shoggoth Kushina and smol Naruto in Amenta
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"Do you want any videos from me?"


"If you'd like to appear in some of them that would be great! I can let the videographers know, what should I say you'd like to make videos about?"


"I think I would like to do a more - proper? Introduction than Bright will. History, culture in a good order."


"That sounds great." Ude's pocket everything presumably sends this information where it belongs when it is tapped.


"I would like to talk to other cultural anthropologists too, at some point, and get a better idea of Amentan culture."


"I think at least one of the greens who already knows about you has a background in anthropology, I can invite that one over."


"That would be good, yes."


Taptaptap. "I hope you don't mind but I and one of the greys will need to sit in on your conversation with Allocator Savo - the one who started the whole mess with the food."




"...well, because Allocator Savo committed a serious crime."


"I doubt he's a danger to me."


"Oh, I don't think so either. If we really expected that we wouldn't agree to let him meet you at all. It isn't like he attacked someone in the street. But he committed a serious crime and it's hard to predict people who do that sort of thing very confidently."


"My primary concern is if he would feel free to be honest. Though obviously you have some way of monitoring places anyways."


"The primary purpose of the meeting is that he see that there really are aliens and that isn't a lie someone made up to get him to cooperate with repairing the damage he did."




Ude smiles. A little while later one of the greys opens the door and comes in with a basket of playthings for Bright Sorrow. There's a soft blue-haired doll, a rubber bouncy ball, a stuffed octopus, a stick with a ribbon on it, ten books, a set of dice with a booklet of common games, and a board game that involves bluffing the other players.



She's going to have to find people to play the board game with her. For now, she bounces between trying out the different toys.


The stick with the ribbon on it is meant to be waved around to make the ribbon make pretty patterns in the air!


...Her mom might get annoyed at her if she tries to trace out weird eldritch-y seals with the ribbon. She is tempted though.

The ball is probably going to end up knocking stuff over.


The sconces are pretty firmly in the walls, and there aren't fragile knicknacks or vases around, though Ude does flinch when it whacks into a picture frame.


"...Sorry. I'll be more careful."


"It's not a big deal, everything here is replaceable."


"Still, breaking stuff's wrong."


"It's not as good as the alternative, that's true. The frame looks fine, though."



She settles in to play with the ribbon on a stick.

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