shoggoth Kushina and smol Naruto in Amenta
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"That'd be fun!"


"Yup! I can let the people who'd need to set that up know."




"No problem! Should I throw in any other things you'd like to try in the same message?"


"I wanna go to lots of different playgrounds and learn about games and stuff."


"Games like kids' playground games?"


"Yeah! And sports, and parlor games..."


"Okay! Do you want to learn how to work the TV so you can watch sports?"


"I don't really like going to sports games though... And learning from watching's hard."


"Well, maybe if you meet enough little grey children they'll teach you Amentan sports."


"That'd be fun. But don't other castes' children like running around too?"


"Oh, sure, the greys are just more likely to play sports by formal rules as opposed to making things up, so if you want to learn Amentan sports that's where I'd bet."


"Dunno if I wanna learn the formal rules yet! Both ways could be fun."


"All right then!"


"What is the - process? We are going to have, for the - reveal?"


"The details aren't all nailed down yet because we have some other news I believe has been mentioned to you this needs to be timed relative to. Uh, it's possible that another blue will come by to meet you to be sure you exist so he'll cooperate with that. But what we're hoping for is that the other thing gets sewn up, we can release announcements to that effect, and then we make a big all-directions broadcast about you and the website with Bright Sorrow's video and her drawings and photos goes up and we start fielding the world's questions. And figure out some process to screen kids to play with her - it'd be simplest to just have her visit an intercaste school but they might want to run some kind of contest or something."


"I think it will do Bright well to interact with less - carefully chosen? Children. But I can see wanting a - limit."


"There'll have to be some throttle or the poor kids'll trample each other, and that's even if we limit it to Voans!"


"Hm, yes."


"I'll suggest the intercaste school thing, that's probably the best way to get a limited but not too aggressively filtered sample. And they could still do a contest if that's what they decide but the winner would win it for their whole school or the school would compete as a team or something."


"That seems very - social? And it is good to give children - a reason to work hard."


"You might want 'pro-social'?"


"Yes, that seems right."


The green suggests this via pocket everything.

Irend, one of the blues, asks, "Would you like us to give you some time to yourselves? We're all at your disposal but some Amentans like time alone and you've had an exciting time of it."


"Yes; that seems good, and Bright will need to sleep, too."

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