Sasuke summons demon Cam
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Fortunately, there are tutorials designed for brand new daeva who also have no cultural continuity with the idea of computers on account of being five minutes old.


Then Kurama will be the world's first technologically literate mass of sentient chakra.

(He's actually fairly quick on the uptake, and navigates to the videos.)


He can have his pick of things that have been appropriately translated and redacted, which is more things all the time.


He seems mostly curious about cultural things about Cam's world (it's possible he's investigating the 'solved war' claim.)


Seems like a legit interest.


The fox soon figures out email. He does not seem to have figured out punctuation or which symbol means which word, so everything's written in kana. He starts sending questions to Cam:

why did this invasion happen [link to documentary about the last war] also why do you have so many humans that is too many humans

People objected to how the North Korean government treated its people. Also it sometimes adopted a threatening posture toward its neighbors but mostly the first thing. Humans keep having lots of kids and finding ways to live longer.

that many humans seems bad for the environment

Has its drawbacks, but daeva can fix a lot of those.

that tobirama was talking about space ships so maybe if the humans went to other planets

They do, though the majority still live on Earth.

it will not be good for the humans either if they damage this planet much more

Because the air quality will suck or because something will get mad at them?

the way nature chakra normally works relies on large amounts of specific types of land being certain ways

places where nature chakra isn't working correctly are not good places to live

a lot of the planet was like that after the sage fought the ten tails and it took a very long while for much of it to be habitable again

i think if you change things very slowly it's okay but humans do not change things slowly

That does seem important to know. Maybe these humans should settle other planets sooner than later. What happens in places where nature chakra isn't working correctly? How slow is slow?

everything using chakra gets sick and plants especially die

normal evolutionary changes are slow enough and rearranging the continents over a few months is too fast and I don't know where the balance is between that

the amount of changing things that humans have been doing is not very fast but there are not many humans

This doesn't happen on my Earth particularly so that suggests some underlying difference there.

this world did not even always have chakra so i would not be surprised if your world does not

How did it not just acquire chakra but acquire chakra dependency?

the god tree was parasitic according to my father and was not from here

Where was it from?

he did not know when i asked

Then what made him think it was a parasite from somewhere else? (And how does being a parasite from somewhere else induce chakra dependency?)

he said that was what he concluded from some things his mother told him

and i do not know

Suppose the planet can be weaned off its chakra addiction? I don't know if it's practical compared to having most people live on another celestial body, but there are some drawbacks to doing that, mostly the different gravity.
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