Sasuke summons demon Cam
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Yeah. Unfortunately the point and shoot stuff is very easy to use as a weapon and harder for creative and healing purposes, though I think once we develop these into modern techniques they won't be exceptionally hard.

Is there an obvious angle on updating them?

Not right now but I think once I figure out how to translate them I'll be able to use the same principles for all the techniques, so it'll be effectively much faster than developing these from scratch.

Ooh, cool. Let me know if you need any help that I am not too incompetent to provide.

He sends a list of other titles mentioned. (He suspects some of the stuff that looks like philosophy tracts actually has valuable information buried in it. Fortunately, he reads at super-human speeds.)


Cam sends them all along.


And Sasuke settles in to read and make theories on how to best map these techniques onto modern strategies. They might need to create and introduce more hand-signs...


And a day later he emails Cam with:

We might want to start experimenting with conjuring eyeballs with bloodline limits, this mentions a bloodline that can return the dead to life in addition to a lot of other ridiculous things.

Why is it always eyeballs?!

I'm pretty sure there's an actual answer to that somewhere. Unfortunately I don't know it.

The supposed powers of this are:

-Manipulating attractive and repulsive forces, like gravity

-Summoning, controlling, and seeing through the eyes of powerful animals as well as specially prepared corpses

-Ripping people's souls out of their bodies and stealing their memories

-Conjuring technology integrated into the user's body [this is not rigorously defined]

-Restoring linked bodies (including summoned animals) to full health

-Stealing chakra

-Restoring the dead to life [this is also not rigorously defined]

-Summoning and breaking the seal on the Gedou Mazou, which I think is part of the thing holding back the space alien the Sage fought

What a ridiculous list of things!!!

I have no idea how these powers are related.

I think we should probably experiment with conjuring less dangerous eyes first.

Like yours or is there a less dangerous eyeball cultivar to be had?

I have the actual right to authorize the sharingan being duplicated, so I think that might not be a bad place to start? I think this eye also works the most like the sharingan.

How were you envisioning this happening? Basement dweller?

The sharingan has a mental component. Probably the best way to test is to replace one of my eyes with an exact copy, and keep my original eye in case that doesn't work.

Okay. I do not specifically have training in how to remove an eyeball without damaging it, so if you want me to do that I'd like to read up on local procedure.

Karin knows at least basic medical techniques and could almost certainly remove my eye safely.

You're uh, still immune to painkillers, right?

Yes. Probably Karin can keep me unconscious, but if not I've held still through worse.

Not great!!!! Is there not some way you could instead be less immune to painkillers?

I don't think so.

That seems rather bullshit. How can you be irreversibly immune?

Orochimaru might know a way to reduce whatever's keeping up my immunity? But a lot of it was body modification. I guess I could try to get someone to modify my body back but that sounds dangerous.

I mean it is up to you if you prefer to have unanaesthetized eyeball surgery but yikes.
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