tiny maitimo and tiny ves try to solve some problems that are objectively above their pay grade
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"Cool, thanks." She will just... take this somewhere else that is not her office. There are lunchrooms and stuff that shouldn't be very occupied at this hour.

Anything understandable in here about whatever they were doing on Monday?


Nothing on Monday except that due to logistical difficulties the trials were delayed until Tuesday. 

For Tuesday, there's detailed notes and a three-dimensional chart. This is the elaborate equipment setup. The ideal location for summonses class DFA will be at any of the points where these forty lines intersect, which they mostly do not on Earth but these two briefly intersected in that supply closet on Monday and Tuesday and in the adjacent one Wednesday and in a room on the floor below on Thursday and Friday. The run of tests will be over in ten days when the point of intersection is too far underground to be usable. So far twelve useful specimens have been captured and another thirty killed -- the summons invariably fatal if there's metal in the vicinity, or if the summoned entity is wearing some, or if they got any calculations wrong, which of course they did not. 




Is there enough information to determine where the summoning point will be tonight, what the steps are to do a summons, and whether the summons is just pulling from random dimensions or one specific dimension or if it's something they could aim at Valinor or wherever specifically?


You bring the equipment to the point, set it up, coat a needle at the precise right spot with the blood of a virgin and chant some things. At the moment the point of interest is somewhere in between the floor of the eleventh floor and the ceiling of the tenth, which is why summons today were called off at 10am. They'll resume tomorrow at 9am once it's come down through the ceiling to the right spot. 

There's a section on how they select a particular dimension but it's almost all equations and abbreviations and then the things to chant, which are not English.


Can she find the chants for the dimension they were trying to reach on Monday? (Is it Latin? It's probably not Latin but she can do Latin phonetically if it is. Lots of things are Latin.)


She can find the planned Monday schedule and the chants associated with each of the Monday trials. It's not Latin. 


Does it at least use English letters? Can she even take an ill-concieved stab at pronunciation?


The letters are familiar but it'd be a fairly ill-conceived stab at pronunciation.




I think this particular summons is one-way. I can try pulling some more of your people through, but there's, like, a two-thirds chance it'll kill them. Probably higher than that because we don't know what we're doing. If you could - figure out what language these chants are in that would be great but I'm not optimistic about it.


Can't you say you need that on the form? 


The other problems sound like problems.


I guess I could type up a revised form, I doubt she looked at the whole thing. 

I'm not gonna say it's impossible to get you home, but it's looking pretty unlikely that this is the way, and I don't have other leads.


We could - ugh, I'd lay better than even odds now that we could make it as far as trying without getting caught, but odds are that it kills whoever we bring through. And even if it doesn't, my defection will then be obvious, and I'm not sure how useful it is to have any of your people inside Wolfram & Hart.



We could get a Vala.


I have literally zero idea how to lock onto a Vala. I don't actually know how to lock onto anybody in particular.


Oh. Well if you figure that out I think we should get a Vala because we can't hurt them and they can fix things and I have tried pretty hard to use my own resources as far as I am able and I think this is an occasion where help will make me stronger and that's when you're allowed to ask a Vala.


I feel pretty confident in saying that we are already doing our best here, yeah. Problem is we don't know enough about the summoning process to use it intelligently. And even if we knew as much as Wolfram & Hart, they've still killed more people than they've successfully brought through.

- do you, like, remember anything about what happened before I found you in the closet?


I was sleeping and then there was a lot of smoke and it was bothering my lungs so I tried to run away but I got stuck in the room I'd run into and people were yelling and I was so scared I couldn't move which has never happened to me before and it took me a while to figure out what my body was doing and make it stop and for some reason when I made it stop I started crying.



OK. Thanks.

I'm not immediately sure how to improve on a seventy-five percent chance of death, assuming we can figure out this language's phonetic rules by the end of today. I am a little less hesitant about that than I would usually be because of the whole Mandos thing, but not a lot less hesitant because I have no particular reason to believe that Mandos knows about this dimension. I'm not sure whether giving it a shot is better or worse than trying to run away to outer Mongolia or wherever.


I think we should run away to outer Mongolia and live on a farm.


I guess there are probably worse fates.



Are they summoning more people from my world?


Not clear. They're definitely summoning more people but I'm not sure if they're from your world. They're going to keep summoning stuff for ten more days, looks like.




Can you check that please?


I'll see if it's in here.

Anything in this pile of paperwork about that? Anything in this pile of paperwork about anything else plausibly useful?


There's some documentation on the dimensions they're pulling from. This one has demons whose bodies are useful for lots of rituals and another species that can't survive in this atmosphere, might be worth trying to avoid the second one, here are some notes on that. This one has demons that are great at magical tracking. This one has demons that breed very rapidly and are useful for feed for obligate carnivore livestock species in Wolfram and Hart's possession. This one has demons whose venom glands produce a powerful, untraceable poison and demons who explode on contact with oxygen, notes on avoiding. This one has mindreaders that die quickly in captivity, another species with an immunity to mindreading that makes them annoying to learn anything further about, and Powers that should not be summoned, here are some notes on avoiding them. This one...



Anything in the notes on avoiding Powers that she can maybe specifically do the opposite of?

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