tiny maitimo and tiny ves try to solve some problems that are objectively above their pay grade
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"I don't know what an orc is."


"In our world Melkor made people to serve his evil purposes and those're orcs."


"OK. Well. Wolfram & Hart doesn't make people, mostly, it just - waves money in front of them. But they're still, you know, the sort of people who do evil stuff if you wave money in front of them."


" - like you?"


"Yeah. Technically. I am not a very good person but I am going to try to get you home to people who are. OK?"


"- I think I'm really confused but maybe not in a way you can explain."


"That's kind of how growing up is. You are having to do a blatantly unfair amount of growing up this week. But yeah, the world's just really confusing. At least this one."


"I like growing up but I don't like not knowing how to make people happy or get what I want."


"This is unfortunately part of the growing up process. Eventually you learn more things and it gets... differently hard."


"Someday I will be King of the Noldor and it'll be very hard but I'll be very good at it."


"Well. We'd better get you back to the Noldor, then.

"I think the main part of the plan that I'm not sure about is - it naively seems safer to keep you out of the building and have me talk to the science team and you just listen, but it's likely that sending you back will involve using specialized science team equipment, in which case we have to get you into the building at some point anyway, and we might want it to be a one-day plan. But at least if we make it a two-day plan then if anything goes obviously wrong on the very first step you can bolt and possibly get away - you won't end up somewhere good but almost anywhere would be better than being stuck in the Wolfram & Hart building - and we'll have more time to plan any dramatic break-ins between days."


"I don't really have an opinion about this."


"Super reasonable, I think I might be mostly thinking out loud. ...I think two day operation is better. If they figure out something's up on day one you gotta run, though."


"Okay. ...where?"


"I dunno. - I think I actually can't tell you, they have mindreaders and can probably get it out of me. Pick a direction and mindread people until you find someone good and throw yourself on their mercy?"

She winces saying it. 



"You won't have good options if I accidentally tip them off. You will have options that are better than death or capture."


"I will figure out how to get home and then I will make them come back and get you."


- probably pointless to tell him to focus on himself.

"OK. Just... try to stay safe."



"We can sit a little more. Then we gotta go home and sleep."


Snuggle. "I'm sorry you had to send away everyone you love."


She kind of wants to dispute that claim but it's kind of fair. Sort of.

"Yeah. I'm sorry you're stuck in another dimension where nothing makes sense."


"I wish you'd gotten my dad, it would've gone a lot better."


"Yeah, probably. Not your fault. We'll see if we can start fixing it all tomorrow, OK?"

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