tiny maitimo and tiny ves try to solve some problems that are objectively above their pay grade
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They can stay in the church for another hour, and then they have to go home and sleep.

Early in the morning, they head out. Karen walks around the Wolfram & Hart building in search of a safeish place where Maitimo can listen to Wolfram & Hart people's thoughts. Eventually she finds a church. 

"Can you hear the people in that skyscraper over there from here?"


He cannot. Which is odd, he can hear people in this other skyscraper that's farther.


"...I bet it's shielded. We might need you inside the building after all. Which we can do, it just means you're a lot less likely to get away if anything goes wrong."





"You wanna forget about it and go back to camp today? Once we're inside we can't leave until the end of the day. Or until something goes really wrong."


"Is some other day better?"


"No, I just - I know you really want to go home. But if you think that maybe dying isn't worth it then it's - you don't have to do it if it's too scary. OK?"

It's completely and totally unfair to ask someone this size to make this decision but she doesn't really feel very qualified to make it for him, so.




"You think a lot that they will catch us anyway. Will they probably catch us anyway or probably not."


"I don't know. I don't know enough about their capabilities or organization or - anything - to know which way this is likely to go. Maybe fifty-fifty."



"I think probably we should try to get to Valinor."


"All right. Can we use the telepathy thing to talk inside the building without you accidentally saying things to anyone else?"


"No one else reacts like I was talking to them when I do it but I'm still leaving stuff in public where they could read it if they knew how."


"...we'll try not to use any more than we have to, then. Still use it in favor of speech, I think they have more cameras than mindreaders and if they're mindreading us we're kind of out of luck anyway."


Then she'd better get to work.

The people at the front desk ask them both to use the fingerprint scanner and then wave them through with a smile. 

She takes him to the same office where he drew pictures right after he came in.

She uses the scheduling app to figure out who had meeting room 754B reserved when Maitimo showed up. She gets a name. She looks up the name in the directory and gets a face. Doubtless this is traceable, but if they're still here in two days then something has gone very wrong anyway, so whatever. 

She prints out some fake paperwork. You can actually just make fake paperwork that looks like real paperwork. It's kind of insane.

OK, she says, because she forgot to say this when they were outside, because she is kind of a dumbass, the plan here is that I invent a pretext to talk to some people, you read the people I'm talking to, I try to prompt them to think useful things, and if you can tell me what direction you need those thoughts to go in while I'm up there, you can tell me and I can steer. She's not great at steering conversations but she's kind of all they have.


Okay. I stay here at your desk?


Yes. If anyone says anything to you I stepped out for a moment and you're waiting for me to get back.


She heads upstairs to the science department and tries being someone kind of like herself but with the friendly turned up like three notches. 

"Hi! Sorry to interrupt you, are you Kimberly Knett?"


This person looks annoyed and maybe a little scared to be interrupted and then smiles right back. "Yes, what can I do for you?"


"Great! Um, there was a problem in accounts earlier today, and it turns out there are some records we're supposed to be keeping that we don't actually have? I'm sure it's a problem on our end, but unfortunately we need you to fill out some stuff about equipment use and experimental methods."


"Seriously? What records?"


She hands over her paperwork. It is not very perfunctory paperwork because it is intended to actually, like, gain information about whatever was done on Monday in room 754B. "This stuff. They're supposed to have this magical transcription service, but I think someone got uncursed or something, and now there are holes? - It's kind of a lot, though, if you have some of this stuff already written down somewhere I could probably copy over the obvious bits and save us both some time?"


" - yeah, why don't you do that." She shoves a different stack of paperwork across the table.

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