The dungeon is in Korea, but as an esper with a pretty specialised power niche Haru is used to occasionally having to go international for these dungeons, and the fact that he already speaks Korean is definitely a bonus. The espers he's going to be working with are all in Quasar Guild, which is the largest one in Korea and which has just recently acquired a very powerful teleportation esper, one whose power can be stored in batteries Quasar also happened to already have in its possession, so they're covering the teleportation cost for Haru to get there.
This is fucking stupid. Sparkler's just a fuckboy. Jaeha knows the type—
(Jaeha used to be the type.)
—and he's harmless. Most importantly, he doesn't care. Probably. Jaeha's rapidly coming to the conclusion that there is literally nothing this guy is getting in particular out of Haru. It's not important to him.
(Jaeha cannot inhabit that frame of mind. Maybe that's why it took him so long to understand.)
If Johnny's just some fuckboy who's having some fun and who's doing it because guided sex feels nice and Haru is cute then all that Jaeha has to do is come with Haru whenever he goes to Canada. That way Haru won't have to interact with the fuckboy. Jaeha's realising that this isn't a threat after all.
What a fucking waste of time. He's gonna go get a domination victory in Civ and absolutely destroy his enemies while polishing the enamel off his teeth by chewing on nicotine gum and not think about it, and then he's gonna go make dinner.
"Oh, congrats," Haru says, of the Civ victory. "I'm a science and cultural victory partisan but hey, any way you wanna go about conquering the world."
He actually jumps, he'd gotten so engrossed in his hateplaythrough he didn't hear Haru arrive (and Haru might feel a tiny blip of a ping on his shields during that jump from Jaeha being surprised), but once his brain catches up he hops to his feet so that he can properly welcome Haru with a hug and a kiss.
"I was about to get started with dinner after this game, was that your last dungeon of the day?"
"There's one they think they're going to want Cricket for but I think Yoo-Min can probably manage him."
"Oh, he can probably still fuck it up. I'm not sure I couldn't, though I've managed not to so far."
"Cricket said that I'm fond of you by luck, not because I have discerning taste. I think he really likes you."
"Did he say that? That's - well, very rude, but such a fun way for him to be rude, he's not always that creative."
Squirm. "Like you said, it indicates he really likes me, because it implies he has in mind some list of legitimate reasons to do so."
It probably is! Jaeha still doesn't have a ton of appreciation for food due to how his taste buds are pathetic and sad, but he thinks he's got the hang of making nice food anyway. And he can make it perfectly social, too, offering Haru chef's perks and commenting on ideas for more stuff to make in the future, and then they can move on to talking about GiveWell's recent blog post about its updated donation suggestions—turns out a few years back they stopped recommending the AMF due to some disagreements about tradeoffs between transparency and effectiveness but they have since started reccing it again after AMF secured some deals with local distribution centers...
It is a very delightful dinner conversation. Haru doesn't keep up with the GiveWell blog, he has to ruthlessly prioritize his reading, so he had no idea about the blip in the recommendation.
Would reading blog posts together and discussing them be a suitably social activity? Maybe they could ruthlessly prioritise Haru's reading by including some ways to make reading a part of bonding.