The dungeon is in Korea, but as an esper with a pretty specialised power niche Haru is used to occasionally having to go international for these dungeons, and the fact that he already speaks Korean is definitely a bonus. The espers he's going to be working with are all in Quasar Guild, which is the largest one in Korea and which has just recently acquired a very powerful teleportation esper, one whose power can be stored in batteries Quasar also happened to already have in its possession, so they're covering the teleportation cost for Haru to get there.
He timed one with this in mind and his estimate was pretty good - mere moments later: "Tadaima!"
"—this is not a request to change your idiolect in any way but it is kind of funny that when you said 'Park-sensei' I immediately thought of three separate high school teachers I had.
"She was—it was interesting. She said something that made me think she might be homophobic in most contexts but maybe not when it comes to espers and I am not sure how well she can comparmentalise it but the parts of our conversation that were about you and our relationship did not seem to be very marked so maybe she can? And given my tendencies to overthink everything people say I'm not sure how much I should trust that impression.
"Other than that I think it was maybe useful. Most of the session she was asking me questions about various things and I—did not give her full answers because I didn't want to get into the weeds of the issues that have been historically confidential to me, but I told her that I was doing that, and eventually she asked me some useful questions and gave me homework. I didn't know therapy could give you homework. I think it was probably useful homework."
"Well, 'shinrigakusha' is kind of a mouthful and not a normal suffix. I could have told you about the homework, it got on my nerves. What's your homework?"
"I'd just have used her full name," he says, because he doesn't want to answer the question.
He's going to anyway. "My homework is... difficult. Or, well, part of it is. Another part is just filling out some questionnaires."
"...okay, you don't have to tell me if you don't wanna. Uhhhh I rescued an American today and she tried to tip me, so that was funny."
He snorts and covers his eyes. "I do wanna, I kinda gotta because it's about you, it's just embarrassing and I'm putting it off."
"I think we have conclusively determined by now that my feelings about my image are only very tenuously connected to reality."
"I do sometimes tease and I can in fact not do it about whatever this is, if it helps! But yeah I didn't expect it to make a huge difference."
"She gave me a pretty good suggestion which is that I should text you about it rather than say it out loud, but you being right next to me ruins it. Unfortunately you just came back from a dungeon so I'm not about to let you go, at least not without pounding whatever sense you've got missing back into you."
Jaeha kisses him. "I hope I can distract you from the suspense. Permission to carry you to the bedroom?"
It's somewhat harder but still not objectively hard to get Jaeha to at least not be constantly thinking about it. Spending time with his ✨boyfriend✨ has the tendency to occupy all of his thoughts.
And once the sense is all duly injected into his poor senseless self Haru will kiss Jaeha and go off to do some work on his blog.
Oh there are kind of a lot of questions huh. They're all multiple choice though and kind of... Well, they sound like therapy questions, which, no, duh.
Is he going to successfully put it off long enough that Haru will be back, oh no, there'll be nothing he can do then—