The dungeon is in Korea, but as an esper with a pretty specialised power niche Haru is used to occasionally having to go international for these dungeons, and the fact that he already speaks Korean is definitely a bonus. The espers he's going to be working with are all in Quasar Guild, which is the largest one in Korea and which has just recently acquired a very powerful teleportation esper, one whose power can be stored in batteries Quasar also happened to already have in its possession, so they're covering the teleportation cost for Haru to get there.
yoo-min-max: some of the thirsty ones are funny, and I got linked a really good slash fic once
yoo-min-max: that was from before @SenSoJoo and I were dating
yoo-min-max: they got the way he has me in the palm of his hand just right
yoo-min-max: always nice to see some good characterisation in these
🚫do-not-jin: I cannot comprehend the appeal
🍸飲むか: you're ace, of course you can't
🐠nemo: I'm not ace and I also can't
🍸飲むか: you're seafood, of course you also can't
🐠nemo: ╭∩╮
MODERATOR ANNOUNCEMENT: Please do not use vulgar kaomoji in chat.
🔔traceless: I also got a fic link but don't know when if ever I will get around to it, it'd interfere with reading novels by dead people which are my staple fare when I can read whatever I want
🚫do-not-jin: I find the ethics of writing real-person fiction thorny and the ethics of writing real-person erotic fiction even thornier
yoo-min-max: ok but given that they're already written
🚫do-not-jin: you're still giving them views on the website, and that incentivises them
yoo-min-max: what if the subject consents?
🚫do-not-jin: yes I feel a lot fewer qualms about people writing slash fic of you
🚫do-not-jin: ...don't know about Seungjoo
SenSoJoo: :)
🚫do-not-jin: know, there was a time of my life when I thought @yoo-min-max was being really weird about you
🚫do-not-jin: but the two of you deserve each other
yoo-min-max: awwww that's really sweet
taegun fan no. 1183: @SenSoJoo spent literal months making @yoo-min-max dance to his tune
taegun fan no. 1183: it was real obvious if you paid any attention
"People who are extroverted in real life are a lot, huh?" Jaeha says, pushing an out-of-place hair off Haru's forehead.
"- oh, just - people. Can't live without 'em and yet. I'm gonna go hit my notebooks." Kiss.
The next day Jaeha doesn't have any dungeons scheduled, since they're taking it slow at the beginning, but what he does have is his first therapy session. Remote, naturally, because he doesn't want to run the risk of feeling tempted to mind control his therapist, that'd be wholly counterproductive.
His therapist has a minor technical issue with her microphone and then comes in on audio fine. "- me now? Okay, good. Good morning, I'm Dr. Park Areum, it's good to meet you."
"So, Kang Jaeha-nim, do you have any questions for me or should we start with what your goals are here?"
"Hmm I have one main question, I guess: what are the limits of your confidentiality? Under what conditions will you break it?"
"With esper clients, very few. A court order could compel me to speak but they're reluctant to issue those; and I am also allowed to call an ambulance or your partner for you if I think you're having a medical emergency even if I can't explain to them why I think so. If I suspect child abuse I am allowed to report that."
Hm. The legal mandate thing is... troubling... but realistically, if the government asked him to disclose his powers, would he... refuse?
"Are there any circumstances under which you'd need to disclose information related to past actions without ongoing effects, if they don't involve child abuse? Would you need to report it if your patient was the one abused in the past?"