The dungeon is in Korea, but as an esper with a pretty specialised power niche Haru is used to occasionally having to go international for these dungeons, and the fact that he already speaks Korean is definitely a bonus. The espers he's going to be working with are all in Quasar Guild, which is the largest one in Korea and which has just recently acquired a very powerful teleportation esper, one whose power can be stored in batteries Quasar also happened to already have in its possession, so they're covering the teleportation cost for Haru to get there.
"I can do the thing where I fuck you through the blah till it goes away but I have to admit it's less appealing than when you're discernibly horny about it, d'you have a preference either which way?"
"I'd prefer being 'fucked through the blah', yes. I can... look hornier?" He never felt motivated to try, with his prior partners, but he knows he can do it.
To bed!
"I understand that. And I—am not saying this to insist, but just to add a model of—it's sometimes useful, to me, to think of the person I'm presenting as more real than the person I'm feeling like, since... I'm choosing to be him. And I'm not choosing to be—this."
"Hm. I think that makes a lot of sense on the level of longer term policies and preferences and such and less on the level of moment to moment moods. Anyway. On your knees."
...he doesn't actually have to pretend to find that enticing. Even at this level of backlash he can appreciate being told what to do by his Haru. "Yes, sir."
See, it's efficient, because at this level of Jaeha-backlash Haru doesn't even have to feel awkward about his favorite thing being asymmetrical, and also the guiding fluids get into the person who more acutely needs them.
"You know," he says, after they've gotten him to zero, "you could just use me. All the time, really, but especially when I'm like that. Do whatever you want with me. I'd go along with everything."
"'s not really my kink but I could rotate it in the brain microwave for a while and see if it gets anywhere, if it's yours."
"—it might be? I'd suggested it more out of convenience but it's telling that that's what I came up with so naturally when I was fishing for convenience."
"I suppose it is. I will put it in the brain microwave." He pokes an imaginary button. "Beep."
"The problem I was trying to solve with it was—I still feel like I want to consider the—person I'd be without backlash the real me, that's, that's a big part of why I used to use my power for communication. If I'm just the person I look like I am under backlash that makes me feel... small and helpless. But if I could—set policy, like you said—what the real me would've wanted was for you to fuck my brains in regardless of what it looked like I was feeling at the time.
"...though even then having you tell me to get on my knees and suck your cock was extremely hot, I'd like it if that happened more often."
"You're very cute when you smile like that.". Hair ruffle. "I checked my email today. Apparently people have managed to be invested in your previous partnership. Somehow."
"I got among other mostly nicer things hate mail from people who think I stole you and should give you back to what's-his-face. There were linguistic pretenses that the letter writer was his little sister in one of them."