The dungeon is in Korea, but as an esper with a pretty specialised power niche Haru is used to occasionally having to go international for these dungeons, and the fact that he already speaks Korean is definitely a bonus. The espers he's going to be working with are all in Quasar Guild, which is the largest one in Korea and which has just recently acquired a very powerful teleportation esper, one whose power can be stored in batteries Quasar also happened to already have in its possession, so they're covering the teleportation cost for Haru to get there.
"Are there specific types or aesthetics you'd most like for the dungeon your empire's in?"
"It should have some open areas for the plants to grow in, like a nice imperial park sort of place, but people usually like to live indoors so if it had a lot of cave system in it too that would be fine!"
"Oh, I was imagining we could maybe get a castle built—although I suppose just a castle wouldn't house that many people... There's the problem that most novel dungeons are kind of small."
Speaking of, Cricket has appeared to collect his breakfast. He rubs past Haru's leg with a purr and ignores Jaeha like he isn't even there.
He's not going to bother Cricket any more than this, and instead turns back to Haru to say, "That teleporter, Min Woo-young, was able to teleport in 4D, right? And his power can be stored. So it ought to in theory be possible to have ways to move along the fourth dimension in some automated way so people wouldn't have to be constantly asking Crickets for rides and bugging him all the time."
"I don't think Cricket works enough like an esper, but maybe there are monster batteries, that would be cool."
"I don't see in principle why there wouldn't be. ...I mean, it's not like I understand anything about any of this so for all I know there might be some reason, but it is not ruled out by anything I do know."
"A battery might be the wrong concept, Cricket just is advantaged at 4D when it's there and it doesn't take anything out of him to navigate it. Hmm."
"Ah, yeah, good point. ...hmm, I wonder if there'd be a way to just build something in 4D? Like a conveyor belt... Except, hmm, that might risk rotating people along the fourth dimension and I'm not sure that's... survivable..."
"Isn't it? I have no substantial 4D advantages so I don't usually go in them and certainly haven't got much background in the math."
"I guess I don't know for sure but if I think about, rather than someone's whole body being in a single 3D space, they're rotated around the fourth dimension so that a part of their body is here and another part is in another 3D space, that could be a problem? Their internal organs would no longer all be in one place... But then again, they would be, within their individual spaces... I don't know. I don't know any of the maths either and every time I've tried to think about them over the years I ended up getting myself more rather than less confused."
Jaeha is perhaps blessed by his inability to properly imagine 4D space and his unwillingness to force it to render something in 3D anyway. And now that his coffee's done he can go back to the table to eat the pancakes Haru made him and make sappy faces at him because HARU who is HIS BOYFRIEND made him PANCAKES and if anything's ever deserved sappy faces this has.