The dungeon is in Korea, but as an esper with a pretty specialised power niche Haru is used to occasionally having to go international for these dungeons, and the fact that he already speaks Korean is definitely a bonus. The espers he's going to be working with are all in Quasar Guild, which is the largest one in Korea and which has just recently acquired a very powerful teleportation esper, one whose power can be stored in batteries Quasar also happened to already have in its possession, so they're covering the teleportation cost for Haru to get there.
"Cool, is that a native functionality the implanty things have or do we need someone to code it up?"
"Should be built in," he says, summoning his screen and looking into setting up alarms and notifications.
Haru peeks over his shoulder to get a sense of the range of functionality and then gets started on making pasta salad.
Jaeha sets a timer thing for every thirty minutes he'll enable when going into a dungeon and, "Maybe I could lock the alarm and only someone else," Haru, "can disable it so I don't feel tempted?" he suggests, going to work on the tteokbokki he planned.
(Haru was right that it's usually eaten hot, and if he wanted that the solution would be to buy it from a street vendor, but he thinks his tteokbokki is tastier than what you can get off the street and he can get it to taste nice cold, too. The trick is to balance the spice in the seasoning differently and make larger individual pieces and give them an appropriate filling.)
"If I'm not on hand for whatever reason, like if a monster that doesn't know I'm there nonetheless manages to step on me, then I worry that'd backfire. Maybe someone else can turn it off but it will also work to just go be home alone? How much are you comfortable with Cricket knowing? I don't actually know how good he is at confidentiality."
"Being home alone is... probably sufficient, yes. I would not be that against Cricket knowing if he could keep confidentiality."
"Unfortunately if he can't that could fail catastrophically. I can maybe just tell him you're a bummer to be around backlashed and he should be out hunting pigeons."
"I don't expect I'd use my powers on him if I got home. I empirically was perfectly able to refrain from doing so under quite a lot of backlash, if I got reminded that I shouldn't I don't think I'd start."
"And he's not overwhelmingly likely to hang out with you anyway, just - he's my best friend."
...that's making him have some kinds of feelings. He thinks he's—feeling more genuine affection for Cricket than he'd been? Or, like, any? He hadn't really put it like that, in his head, even though it's obvious.
"I guess telling him that I'm a bummer to hang out with while backlashed works well enough. Though if—you got stepped on by a monster—I imagine that he'd, uh... have some kind of reaction to that." Amazing words you're using right there, Kang Jaeha.
"I'm not actually sure how hard a time he might have with talking his way into a hospital where I was getting a broken leg set or whatever. He'd probably try."
...that was. Not. The image he'd had in mind when Haru said "being stepped on by a monster".
"I—am I meant to not go see you in the hospital myself if the only problem you had was something like that?"
"Plausibly? I don't have an entire example scenario because the point is to come up with plans that are robust against unforeseen events, 'stepped on by a monster' is here standing in for lots of possible things not all of which we'll think of today."
"No, I mean—the only reason I see to go home and, uh, isolate myself would be if you were—substantially more incapacitated—otherwise I'd want to be by your side."
"Okay, I guess in any situation where they let Cricket see me they let you too, fair point."
"And in most of those you can get my alarm to stop beeping regardless." It's so good that he can now stop thinking about Haru dying which he had been—not thinking! Because thinking about it would be bad! But now he's definitely extra not thinking about it.
"Speaking of covering for unforeseeable events has anyone talked to Tae-gun for you yet - or were you going to do that yourself - if there is a situation where I can't see you -"
"—ah. I ought to, oughtn't I. I—forgot to think about that." He opens his commscreen to write "figure out what to do about Lee Tae-gun" down.
"I'll leave that for the next time I schedule myself to think about things though because I think I have some feelings to untangle about it."
"Totally legit, you've got like a day and a half till I start doing dungeons again and I don't think you're even thusly committed - actually it might make sense to schedule me along with you all the time. Because you're a specialist and I am mostly capable of operating in those specialist dungeons but am not in my own right worth calling across international borders for most of them, and you are, so I think I'm going to wind up functionally your sidekick."
"I would love to have you with me but I'm not sure you're best positioned to go to the majority of the dungeons I'm usually sent to?"
"No? I mean, maybe not in the ones where the floors are illusions, that'd be a lot of flying for me, but I think even if you need to shield me from something because it goes around my own defenses the marginal cost of one shield'd be offset by the backlash efficiency of working with a partner..."