The dungeon is in Korea, but as an esper with a pretty specialised power niche Haru is used to occasionally having to go international for these dungeons, and the fact that he already speaks Korean is definitely a bonus. The espers he's going to be working with are all in Quasar Guild, which is the largest one in Korea and which has just recently acquired a very powerful teleportation esper, one whose power can be stored in batteries Quasar also happened to already have in its possession, so they're covering the teleportation cost for Haru to get there.
Well they can't rush that fast, Cricket has to escort them all individually through the maze, but it's actually easier to do it in this direction than through the areas the victims were being stashed, they can mostly head through a single vector.
People are congratulating each other and smiling for the cameras and some of the cameras want to get pictures of Cricket, too.
When Woo-young sees him again, he's in a stretcher. "I'd bow to thank you but I physically cannot," he tells the cat.
Cricket poses dramatically for the camera. "I will accept your hypothetical bow," he tells Woo-young.
Jaeha is, of course, also home. He's been trying to avoid Cricket whenever possible but clearly it is not always possible. Hello, Cricket, he doesn't like you very much.
Cricket doesn't like you very much either. The smell is only just starting to dissipate properly. It's his turn with the Haru.
"SUCH a good kitty, you got so many people out of there AND found the dungeon core all by yourself." It's brushies time. Brush brush.'s objectively stupid to be jealous of the cat, especially when the cat's been around for like five years. But he was having a nice time with his Haru and now the cat has stolen Haru from him. He's feeling real tempted to use his power on the cat but there is no way for him to do that that wouldn't be weird to Haru.
"AND I don't think you grievously offended Woo-young, so good job on that too, his power works really well with your amazing four dimensional skills!" Scritch scritch brush brush. "And the pictures look great, I know you feel less fluffy outside of your dungeons but I think you looked glorious."
He is too discerning, alright, he likes Haru for the good and correct reasons okay he really needs to get over this pettiness. He's still... not going to be close to Cricket, because Cricket doesn't like him, either, but he'll work on his resting bitch face at least a little bit.
Eventually Cricket has received his fill of pampering and been hand-fed an entire tin of sardines and he trots off to watch Death Note.
He does kind of want to say the thing, though, so he has to stop kissing.
"I—okay maybe this is not the best time—no I'm just being a coward." He clears his throat. "...what do you..." Gah why did he decide to start this, this was a bad idea, this was a terrible idea, arghhhhhhh.