The dungeon is in Korea, but as an esper with a pretty specialised power niche Haru is used to occasionally having to go international for these dungeons, and the fact that he already speaks Korean is definitely a bonus. The espers he's going to be working with are all in Quasar Guild, which is the largest one in Korea and which has just recently acquired a very powerful teleportation esper, one whose power can be stored in batteries Quasar also happened to already have in its possession, so they're covering the teleportation cost for Haru to get there.
Haru would debate this choice of words if it were spoken out loud but Jaeha's got better things to do with his mouth.
yoo-min-max: @traceless bro you're on the Malaysian news with @KangJaeha
yoo-min-max: y'all were too gay in public
yoo-min-max: it's a scandal
yoo-min-max: lmao
taegun fan no. 1183: get rekt malaysia
yoo-min-max: preach
🔔traceless: they invited me! it is on my work profile that I have this protocol now for dungeons that are going to be hitting me in the brain a lot! they should write to their elected representatives or something.
yoo-min-max: you're right they should
🐠nemo: can u imagine like "omg my son's life was saved by a HOMO how DARE you allow them in our country"
🔔traceless: I can indeed imagine this. I was imagining it with relish throughout the process, I spent more intervals outside the dungeon than usual.
🔔traceless: getting my smooch on.
taegun fan no. 1183: you 2 looked so cuuuuuuute together
yoo-min-max: @SenSoJoo this could be us but u playin'
💤Zzzzgirl: yessssss.
💤Zzzzgirl: this is how we bring about world peace and equality
💤Zzzzgirl: send in the pretty boys to save lives and SMOOCH about it
🔔traceless: what even is the extradition situation. if someone had made a federal case out of it
kitkatcat: there isn't one, if they tried it they would forfeit all international assistance in clearing dungeons
kitkatcat: it also wouldn't work because we'd obviously fight the country for you
kitkatcat: but even without that they would have bigger problems
🔔traceless: man how strong is that. can I get away with murder
🔔traceless: maybe just grand theft auto
🔔traceless: a little art fraud, a little open water piracy
kitkatcat: lol! no crimes unless it's dungeon related, sorry
kitkatcat: but since it was in your duties of closing the dungeon they asked for help with
kitkatcat: best they can do now is pout and be pickier about asking for help
🍵Tconnoisseur: 'Yes hello before you enter the dungeon that's kidnapping people, can you fill out this survey on your sexuality, it's vital to national security'?
kitkatcat: more like before letting them teleport into the country, otherwise yeah
kitkatcat: spoiler: they probably won't do that.
kitkatcat: ehh they're not exactly the ones who pick out the espers that get sent, or they'd be picking stupid things. @ChoiBokBok you want to come explain? your department, not mine.
ChoiBokBok: requests get sent to the guild, or a set of guilds, and then we sort out who would be best leveraged where
ChoiBokBok: otherwise everyone would be picking famous people instead of who's actually best for what
ChoiBokBok: or without scouting first or w/e
🐠nemo: bet they thought getting help from a Korean guild was gonna spare them the headache lol
🐠nemo: ask for help from a homophobic country too and shit
taegun fan no. 1183: get rekt malaysia x2
yoo-min-max: that'd be so fucking stupid though
yoo-min-max: actually it's stupid to think that'd even matter, the statistics on what espers do for guiding are not on their side
yoo-min-max: did you guys know that a survey of American espers said that 50% of them identify as at least bicurious?
yoo-min-max: guiding dick and/or pussy too bomb
MODERATOR ANNOUNCEMENT: Please do not use profanities or vulgar terms in chat.
🚫do-not-jin: That's for both of you @yoo-min-max and @nemo