The dungeon is in Korea, but as an esper with a pretty specialised power niche Haru is used to occasionally having to go international for these dungeons, and the fact that he already speaks Korean is definitely a bonus. The espers he's going to be working with are all in Quasar Guild, which is the largest one in Korea and which has just recently acquired a very powerful teleportation esper, one whose power can be stored in batteries Quasar also happened to already have in its possession, so they're covering the teleportation cost for Haru to get there.
Eeeeeee he has a list and he's going to follow the list and he was actually pretty much following it already (—hiccup—) because he guessed right about the boy of Haru's dreams in a lot of aspects but he will now be able to get a PERFECT SCORE in BEING HARU'S BOYFRIEND.
"I'm so lucky—" He doesn't have words to express it so he'll just keep kissing Haru.
"An objectively weird response to getting a to-do list for rendering your personality compliant with my preferences but I'm pretty sure if I said 'that is too objectively weird, do something normal' you wouldn't like that answer, so -"
"If I told you to be less objectively weird I would be doing it out of a sense of general responsibility and conservatism, my personal gratification wouldn't really feature."
"Honestly the fact that I find this so romantic is probably indicative of what are arguably character flaws on my part!"
"I don't think I'm under any particular illusions about what you're like. I like you the way you are."
They're going to bed togeeeeether and Jaeha will get the best boyfriend awaaaaardddddd~
Three days later they want Haru for a boggy dungeon full of boggy monsters that lurk under the water and leap out in toothy ambush when they detect somebody tromping through the sludge. It's got a relatively gentle psychic effect: it's not lit inside, which is itself a little unusual, and if you turn on a light in there, you wind up with a blindsight effect, where you can "guess" where every illuminated thing is and what it's doing but report a sensation of utter darkness. So he's going to be flying a lot again, and he's going to be psychically making his flashlight work, and also presumably the swamp monsters have some interesting sensory loadout if they can tell who's in their bog when there's no light in the place and they're doing it from underwater.
So for this one he wants Jaeha parked outside the dungeon for a check-in and a kiss or three between rescues.
...right. Yes. He will definitely be there. His Haru cannot almost-die again.
His heart can't handle it.
Haru copes fine with this dungeon! The little breaks do help but the psychic darkness thing presses only lightly, somebody has brought in a bunch of wooden boards that he can walk on to spare some of the flying, and none of the rescuees say anything stupid, possibly because this dungeon appeared in Malaysia and they mostly do not share a language with their hero, which Haru finds frustrating but not crazymaking. In and out and check-in. In and out and check-in.
And meanwhile Jaeha is... scrupulously ethical. They're in Malaysia, and it is actually illegal to be gay in Malaysia, and his Haru is still being gay at him because what are they going to do, let their people die in dungeons because they're squeamish about the people with superpowers who showed up to help kissing? If they try Jaeha will destroy them utterly, but they're not trying, they're not trying at all, which means that he's not listening to anything they're feeling. He's being scrupulously ethical and he is not listening at all even though they could be planning something or being threatening, or, but they're not doing anything. They're not, they're just, they're just looking. The locals are giving Haru and him looks, disgusted looks, horrified looks, and he is being scrupulously ethical about it.
Being heroic and scrupulously ethical around people who kind of suck is a GREAT way to feel superior and smug and cool. It takes a middling person to save the thankful and innocent but an AMAZING one to save the irritating and ungrateful.
Maybe if he could hear a little bit of Haru's feelings he'd be able to share in that joy but all he can do is chew on nicotine gum and try to keep his face composed.
(Except when Haru shows up because then his worry and anger take a backseat to ✨Haru✨.)
Haru does actually catch him side-eyeing a Malaysian at one point and lets on about the secret to his smugness.