The dungeon is in Korea, but as an esper with a pretty specialised power niche Haru is used to occasionally having to go international for these dungeons, and the fact that he already speaks Korean is definitely a bonus. The espers he's going to be working with are all in Quasar Guild, which is the largest one in Korea and which has just recently acquired a very powerful teleportation esper, one whose power can be stored in batteries Quasar also happened to already have in its possession, so they're covering the teleportation cost for Haru to get there.
💤Zzzzgirl: omg omg omg his wiiiiiings
💤Zzzzgirl: his wings his wings his wings!!!!
kitkatcat: I am picturing a cat and a mint green labrador now.
kitkatcat: the cat insults the dog constantly, but the dog can't help but be drawn to feline perfection.
yoo-min-max: hey @traceless does he hate dogs
yoo-min-max: should I change my pfp
yoo-min-max: that a racist thing to ask?
🐠nemo: that's totally a racist thing to ask
yoo-min-max: honestly I'm just grateful he tolerates me
yoo-min-max: he doesn't like anyone except Haru
yoo-min-max: I've been blessed
taegun fan no. 1183: i want to be blessed too!
🚫do-not-jin: lol. lmao.
taegun fan no. 1183: ...i feel like that was an insult but idk what it was
taegun fan no. 1183: i couldnt tell by looking but @yoo-min-max cant shut up about him whenever he decides to waste time here at the reception
yoo-min-max: look at him!!!!
yoo-min-max: how could I possibly shut up about him
yoo-min-max: he's perfect
yoo-min-max: if he joins this chat I'm changing my avatar
kitkatcat: I told you, he's the pinnacle of feline masculinity
kitkatcat: honestly we're lucky my ovaries haven't exploded from that picture
🔔 traceless: leave comments, I read them all! and if any of you want to be interviewed you can make a date with my backlash lol
💤Zzzzgirl: I cannot connect my digital and rl selves ever
💤Zzzzgirl: also I'm not nearly cool enough to be interviewed
💤Zzzzgirl: will leave comments though! :)
🔔 traceless: I can interview you under a pseudonym, I do it with Western espers all the time! But I would probably wind up asking things that wound up being identifying, if you're an esper.
"Mm-hm. You can read over my shoulder if you want, it's the same chat you could be in if you were so inclined."
Well all of these people may be helping with Haru's pica but you know who's helping Haru with his actual backlash? That's right, it's Jaeha.
He kisses Haru on the cheek. "If you'd like moral support I could join."
"Either way works for me, you're literally in the room with me and when I have something to say to you I can say it with my face."
"So how dreadfully bored have you been this week, do you think you can put up with it for a few more?"
...ah. It has been a week, hasn't it.
He's... in fact not felt that awful! At least not due to the not doing anything thing, though he supposes probably if he were more backlashed he wouldn't be so stressed out that Haru doesn't like him and is going to leave in a couple of weeks. And he did find things to occupy his time with, even now that he's no longer trying to figure Sparkler out.
"I suppose I probably can. Inventing new hobbies has been..." He feels like this is the wrong conversation to lie and say it was "fun". "Engrossing."
He wants Haru not to leave and he doesn't know what to do to keep him.
"I should be able to keep up on my end too, it's exhausting but also it makes me feel very cool."