The dungeon is in Korea, but as an esper with a pretty specialised power niche Haru is used to occasionally having to go international for these dungeons, and the fact that he already speaks Korean is definitely a bonus. The espers he's going to be working with are all in Quasar Guild, which is the largest one in Korea and which has just recently acquired a very powerful teleportation esper, one whose power can be stored in batteries Quasar also happened to already have in its possession, so they're covering the teleportation cost for Haru to get there.
"I offered to use my power to not smell so badly when I'm around him, and he refused and said it was because he likes you. —I know it'd be frivolous power use but something small like that for so little time barely causes any backlash."
"...he was right! Don't do that! Stop digging!" Haru clonks his forehead on Jaeha's shoulder. "Come up with a policy about this with all your you participating in the decision please."
"...I just wanted to be nice to him." He should just not do that. It's never worth it.
This is really not that big a deal.
But fine. If Haru is going to be so upset he's just going to be a dick to Cricket right back wow that's some high-quality petty immaturity right there hahaha where did that come from.
"Sorry. I'll stop."
"Thank you. - this is really delicious, if you want to ingratiate Cricket you should probably try feeding him some, he can eat human food and just doesn't lean on it as a staple."
"I'll do that." Although there's no point, is there, Cricket has just decided to dislike him on principle.
Whatever. Haru asked.
And once he has had a generous lunch - running dungeons is a workout and it's more than he's used to, fantastic esper body or no - he wants guiding snuggles. He does not have a very strong opinion on whether there should be sex this time but there should be makeouts. For efficiency.
Sex is really efficient he doesn't want to scare Haru away by being too much of a nympho. Snuggly makeouts (...maybe while naked?) are very good anyway.
Haru is not to zero when he goes out to dungeon 3 but he's close enough to not be at risk of introducing himself to monsters. Off with him.
Jaeha will not actively try to interact with Cricket, this time. He'll do some dishes and try to get some more reading done and—
—Haru has a blog? Oh that's such excellent source of information for what interests him! He's glad he ran into it.
Haru has actually had a blog about espers and dungeons since before he awakened, though it was more amateur when he was sixteen. He used to do more book reviews/summaries/commentaries, before, and not so many photos, though he's hardly the first person to bring a camera into a dungeon and did occasionally include illustrative snapshots from other photographers. He has a lot of interviews after the point at which he's been an esper for a few months - the pattern, if Jaeha looks at timestamps, is a nearly-wordless photo upload from a dungeon, Haru answering comments on the photos, and then hours later a more substantive post with an interview of an esper or dungeon researcher or author or support staffperson, and/or some more verbal reflection on the nature of the dungeon and what it most resembled and what he noticed about the profile of who it kidnapped if there was one. There's also posts about Cricket, mostly around the time when Haru gets him, but occasionally also photo posts with Cricket in them as apologies for periods of low update activity.
Oh okay that is kind of interesting, actually. Not the Cricket pictures, he's salty about Cricket right now, but the interviews and musings are cool. And also that's making him want to look into Haru in more detail; he'll see what he can find out that's publicly available, at least at first.
Haru has actually managed to talk to and take selfies with enough kidnap victims that there are a couple of straight-up fanblogs of him diligently collecting all the pictures of him in his tactical dungeon gear and out of it that are available online! He's very photogenic, probably mostly because he's an esper. Many people are very sad that he's gay. There's also an official British Columbia Espers page and Traceless has a profile there but the fanblogs have already acquired and digested all its contents so it doesn't add much.
Yes Haru is gay and also he is not getting with any of you weird creeps, thank you very much.
Anyway can he find Haru's past partners, other than Yamanaka Junko? How long he's been active for? Who his friends are? ...probably not that last one, not without digging further.
Haru's listed partner in B.C. is this guy codenamed Sparkler, but that seems concurrent with Yamanaka, who he partnered with less than six weeks after his activation which was itself very prompt post-awakening. Haru has an agent, Paula Bescond, with the Maple Esper Agency. Whether he is friends with these people is hard to determine but he's probably hooked up with Sparkler, considering, Sparkler's pretty cute.
He's 20, power is listed as some kind of flashbang situation, no public backlash, actually using the secret identity thing and masking to enough of an extent that his name doesn't come up in a casual inspection. Curly brown hair, million-watt smile, has appeared in a beer commercial. Has a primary partner, "Arctic"; Haru's a part-time secondary.
Oh Jaeha is not being casual about this inspection. He's gonna find out everything there is to know about this dude, he has money and contacts and a mission. ...he maybe won't get everything today if there's anything he'll need to hire an actual investigator for but short of that, he can find people who work at this guy's agency and discover where and with whom he's worked and when he awakened and what his family situation is like and other partners than just the two if there are any and...